News and Analysis 11/9/23

The War on Gaza is a War on Free Speech:

“For far too long, we have endured the orders given to us while we were ripped apart, every day and every minute, at the sight of women and children torn to pieces [by Israeli bombings]”:

“[I]t is the steadfastness of their popular struggle for universal freedom and dignity that shows the way” to all in the world who value freedom:

“Palestinian, international and Israeli organizations have made numerous calls … to take action on the systematic violations of international law, ongoing war crimes and widespread disregard for the most basic human rights of the Palestinian people”:

Continuing Israeli war crimes provoke increasing concern:

“Israelis from settlements nearby have long harassed the villagers in this [south Hebron hills] area, hoping to force them out. But since the October 7 Hamas attacks, the pressure has become unbearable”:

“[E]xamples of emotionally charged and inappropriate workplace behavior … include unnamed Googlers accusing Palestinians of supporting terrorism, committing ‘slander against the Prophet Muhammad,’ and publicly calling Palestinians ‘animals’” …

… and Meta has shut down respected Palestinian news sources and even temporarily banned Mondoweiss while allowing pro-Israel sources to dehumanize Palestinians:

“In eastern India’s Kolkata, synagogues are managed by Muslim caretakers. The Israel war won’t change that, they say”:






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