News and Analysis 11/20/23

As Gaza massacres continue …

… “Palestinians say the so-called ‘safe corridors’ Israel announced to allow for their evacuation are in fact ‘deception corridors’”:

Zionists expand the targets of the war on free speech from students to public defenders:

“The detaining authority, itself, has admitted that the detenu … was working as a journalist and it was his professional/ occupational duty to report the happenings in his area”:

“Marzouq said that he believes “the ideal and only solution” is a one-state solution where Jews and Muslims, Israelis and Palestinians live together in one country with equal rights and equal privileges”:

Returnees expected the worst, but were greeted by “a poster wishing them a ‘good and comfortable life,’” food, transportation to shelter “and most families receive a $140 cash payment from the government”:

“Many staffers describe their struggle with a gnawing belief that their lives don’t matter to their colleagues as Congress shrugs off the rising bloodshed in Gaza”:






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