News and Analysis 11/25/23

Israel flagrantly violates the ceasefire agreement on the first day …

… even as the first hostages were exchanged …

… with both sides to release more detainees today:

“In the hours leading up to the ceasefire, … Israeli … strikes targeted schools housing displaced civilians, hospitals, and homes, resulting in dozens of casualties” …

… and continued its war on hospitals …

… but not satisfied with disrupting Al-Shifa hospital and scattering its patients, Israel “has blown up a number of its facilities”:

A Israel continues to murder Palestinian journalists …

… observers ask if the mainstream Western media ready to stand up to Israeli bullying?

The court said that the government’s argument “would mean that any criticism of the central government can be described as a terrorist act because the honour of India is its incorporeal property”:

“Several students at Brown told Middle East Eye that the arrest of the 20 Jewish students lifted the mask on the university as a bastion of liberal values, and highlighted how entrenched anti-Palestinian sentiment was”:

“Was it worth letting Israeli hostages, women, and children, languish in Gaza for a few more weeks for the sake of continuing to imprison a young man who dared to cry ‘God is great?’”

Thanksgiving weekend protests for Palestine:






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