News and Analysis 11/29/23

“Of the 300 names Israel proposed for potential release, 233 of them have not been convicted of any crimes; they are categorized simply as ‘under arrest’” — in other words, hostages …

… but as the exchange of hostages continues …

… Israel takes new hostages almost as fast as it releases them:

The law penalizing reading disapproved Internet content with up to one year in prison “has no precedent in any democracy elsewhere in the world”:

Zionism’s war against free speech on American campuses escalates:

“[F]or the first time that I can think of, western powers are unable to credibly pretend that there is some global system of rules that they uphold”:

Open anger within Biden’s administration over his support of Israeli aggression has now appeared in the intelligence community:

“Palestinian graphic designer Bilal Tamim … has … more than 20,000 subscribers, but he’s locked out of YouTube’s revenue sharing program that pays a share of ad sales to more than 2 million video creators in 137 countries or territories“:

“The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is not unfathomable. It’s a fight over land”

“The alleged gunman, Jason J. Eaton, is being held without bail on charges of attempted second-degree murder“:

By replacing native trees with European trees, Israel has “degraded biodiversity, and enhanced the chances of drought[, while] … obliterating the indigenous traits of Palestine’s flora — the markers of Palestinian identity”:






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