News and Analysis 12/6/23

“U.S. officials said the administration decided to impose sanctions against Israeli settlers because it concluded that the current Israeli government is not seriously attempting to stop and prevent the attacks against Palestinians” …

… yet “US-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) were used by the Israeli military in two deadly, unlawful air strikes on homes full of civilians in the occupied Gaza Strip” …

… where the death toll from Israel’s scorched earth policy mounts:

The House passed a bill that “condemned the slogan ‘From the River to the Sea’, which rights advocates understand to be an aspirational call for equality in historic Palestine” …

… and moves to intimidate colleges into even harsher crackdowns on pro-Palestinian demonstrators …

… and a “First Amendment Scholar is very worried about the future of speech on college campuses”:

“Watch the moment an Israeli air strike hit the gates of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, where Palestinians say a new massacre has taken place after days of attacks in the area”:

“Israeli forces had raided Defense for Children International- Palestine’s offices and designated it a terrorist organisation” after a US State Department complaint “about the rape of a 15-year-old Palestinian boy in Al-Mascobiyya detention centre”:

“This is what Christmas looks like in Palestine”:

“63 journalists and media workers were confirmed dead” …

… but Israel isn’t the only government targeting journalists:

A young woman says, “I don’t think the state of Israel should ever have been established. It’s based on this idea of Jewish supremacy” but her parents have moved there:

Reuters reported that the auditors investigating whether Volkswagen used “Uyghur Muslims as forced or interned labour at their factory in Xinjiang  … had to be accompanied by two local Chinese lawyers,” tainting the investigation:

The keffiyeh “came to symbolise Palestinian resistance during the 1936 Arab Revolt against British rule and later became the signature headgear of Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat”:






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