News and Analysis 12/8/23

“Attack decried as attempt to erase Palestinian history after thousands of historical documents were torn apart and burnt”:

The Biden administration fully supports Israel’s war in Gaza, but would prefer the slaughter end before the Presidential election moves into full gear:

“[N]ever in history has a bombing campaign caused the targeted population to revolt against its own government”:

Israeli murders of civilians continues:

The toll on journalists in Gaza continues to mount …

… and in Lebanon “journalists were well removed from ongoing hostilities, clearly identifiable as members of the media” …

In the face of censorship, Oakland teachers seek “‘a corrective’ to mainstream education materials that take a pro-Israel view” …

… Harvard students must attend demonstrations organized by non-recognized groups …

… and in the “UK, more than 1,000 creative practitioners, artists and curators accused cultural institutions of ‘repressing, silencing and stigmatising Palestinian voices and perspectives’”:

AIPAC and its allies hope that a focus on the 1200 killed by Hamas on October 7 will take attention away from the 16,000 and counting killed by Israel since:

“The thousands of Palestinians, many of them children, arbitrarily held in ‘administrative detention’ by Israel are every bit as much hostages as those seized by Hamas on 7 October”:

“Israel has targeted several medical facilities in Gaza, claiming that Palestinian fighters use them to move around and shelter, without providing any evidence for these claims”:






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