News and Analysis 1/11/24

“South Africa demanded an emergency suspension of Israel’s aerial and ground offensive in the Palestinian enclave, which it said was aimed at bringing about ‘the destruction of the population’ of Gaza” …

… “a fitting call for the right of an oppressed people to self-determination” …

… and Israel’s decision not to boycott the hearings “reflects Israeli concerns that the judges could order Israel to halt its war against Hamas [read ‘the people of Gaza’] and tarnish its image internationally” …

… yet “Likud lawmaker Nissim Vaturi defended his own message, saying he has ‘no mercy’ for Gazans, while Israel’s former UN envoy reasserted support for ‘voluntary migration’”:

A “young man standing in a central square when he is suddenly shot and drops to the ground. Two others rushing to his aid are also hit” …

… and “Security cameras captured image showing an Israeli military vehicle running over the bodies of two apparently dead Palestinians who had been shot by Israeli border police on Jan. 8, in the West Bank city of Tulkarm“:

A three-time loser candidate for Congress succeeded in convincing the hotel to kick the Muslims out just a “days before the scheduled event”:

A Houti military spokesman called the operations “an initial response to’ … the sinking of three Houthi speed boats and killing of their crews by US Navy helicopters during an attempted attack on a container ship on 31 December” …

… and a Turkish-chartered tanker seized by the U.S. in 2023 has now been seized by unidentified assailants and reportedly “altered course towards Iranian territorial waters”:

Is anyone surprised?

Tariq Habash explains “why he resigned from the Biden administration amid Israel’s war on Gaza”:

They emphasized Israeli over Palestinian deaths; “used emotive language to describe the killings of Israelis, but not Palestinians; and offered lopsided coverage of antisemitic acts in the U.S., while largely ignoring anti-Muslim racism”:

Shabab takes medical workers hostage:

Khalid ibn Walid combined the martial skills of of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon, but his “his dedication to upholding the rules of war, his humility and his complete faith in his cause are inspiring” today:






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