News and Analysis 1/22/24

“Dozens of students reported burning eyes, headaches, and nausea after a substance commonly used by the Israeli military was allegedly deployed at a Columbia campus protest”:

The “rebels were only emboldened by the U.S. volley. … President Joe Biden acknowledged that the airstrikes were not stopping the Houthis but said the U.S. would keep targeting the group anyway“:

“Israeli forces … stormed one hospital and put another under siege on Monday, cutting the wounded off from trauma care” …

… displacing thousands:

“Monday’s meeting did not appear to shift Israel’s position a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed a hard line against any Palestinian state on the basis that it would pose “an existential danger” to Israel”:

Canada’s effort to prevent a woman “who became the caregiver to her sister’s three children in Pakistan after the sister’s death, is at the centre of a Federal Court challenge”:

Previously reported missing, they “are among the first known U.S. fatalities in Washington’s campaign against the Houthis”:

“[C]ountries in these areas will feel that continuing to rely on the U.S. for their protection is a lot more of a precarious option than it was before”:

The visit signals “efforts to mend relations after the neighbours exchanged missile strikes last week at what they said were militant targets”:

“To make bread, you need a fire. … Guava, lemon, orange, and olive – they were all being cut down and I’m sure that once the occupation forces took the area they destroyed whatever was left”:






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