News and Analysis 1/31/24

Thousands of Israelis including at least 12 Israeli ministers attended a conference that “could be used as evidence in future ICJ hearings”:

Rising Middle East violence brings Iran and US to the brink of war:

“Israeli forces opened fire inside the Ibn Sina Hospital in the West Bank town of Jenin. A hospital spokesperson … [indicated] it was a targeted killing”:

“The UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories, warned that the decision to pause funding to UNRWA ‘overtly defies’ the order by the” IJC …

… and Josh Rogan opines “the Biden administration’s action is not only cruel; it will have ripple effects that will make solving all the Middle East’s problems more difficult”:

A district court hears the government’s arguments that the court has neither jurisdiction nor enforcement authority over the Genocide Convention:

The campaign’s first victory was the repeal of a law “which forced recipients of state funding to sign a commitment” against criticism of Israel:

“Muslim Legal Fund of America, said that the students were subjected to ‘rampant  harassment and racist attacks’ … [including] doxxing, stalking and assault”:






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