News and Analysis 2/5/24

A federal judge noted that “statements made by various officers of the Israeli government indicate that the ongoing military siege in Gaza is intended to eradicate a whole people”:

“We are seeing mounting evidence that Israel appears to be rendering large parts of Gaza unlivable” — Nadia Hardman, Human Rights Watch:

Beyond the outright murder …

… are restrictions forbidding taking rubbish out for collection and limiting trips to purchase food to one per “month, for an hour”:

“Representatives from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) admitted to running a notoriously violent and racist Telegram channel following an investigation from Haaretz“:

“CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda and the censoring of Palestinian perspectives” …

… but the bias they protest is standard practice in Western journalism:

“Buoyed by the staying support of American officials, Israeli forces have continued to commit atrocities in Gaza”:

In “mainstream feminist discourse … are … impulses … that de-emphasise the particularly inhumane and urgent situation when it comes to Gaza’s women and girls”:

Security concerns for “places of worship and major infrastructure points [were] a ‘direct result’ of” an opinion piece calling the city “America’s jihad capital”:






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