Israel’s policy of starvation as a weapon is not only monstrous and illegal, it could lead to a famine like that experienced “in South Sudan in 2017 and Somalia in 2011”:
- Unless Israel Changes Course, It Could Be Legally Culpable for Mass Starvation (The Guardian)
- Policy Paper: Israel’s Policy of Starvation in Gaza Will Have Long-term Effects, Is Causing Famine (Euro-Med Monitor)
It has “retained draconian preventive detention laws, so clearly, Kashmiris have the right to be cynical about whatever the Indian government wishes to do here”:
- Kashmir’s Uncertain Future: Reactions to Supreme Court’s Article 370 Verdict – Analysis (Eurasia Review)
Israel’s “war on Hamas” is actually a war on Gazans, humanitarian agencies, hospitals, and mental health …
- Palestinians Fear Displacement as Egypt Said to Make Contingency Plan (Reuters)
- The Head of the UN’s Lead Agency Helping Palestinians Accuses Israel of Seeking to Destroy It (AP)
- Israel Stages Airstrikes Across Gaza, Makes Arrests at Hospital (Reuters)
- How the Songbirds of Rafah Help Palestinians Cope with the Terror of War (Aljazeera)
… but, victims of the passive voice as well as of Israel, “Palestinians die, they aren’t killed, as if their death is a fault of their own”:
“[B]lowing up part of the country’s energy infrastructure, relied on by industries, factories and millions of civilians, marked an escalation in the covert war and appeared to open a new frontier”:
“[E]ducational systems thrive on critical thinking, and I’ve been creating safe environments for my students for decades — day after day” — suspended teacher Anike Robinson:
They are excluded “despite … being born and raised in France, being highly educated and possessing professional skills that would contribute to the country”:
“The Anti-Defamation League, which battles antisemitism, said Mangi was ‘subjected to aggressive questioning unrelated to his professional expertise or qualifications’”:
“Eight artists painted and draped pro-Palestinian messages over their own work during an event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts“:
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