News and Analysis 2/29/24

“At least 70 people were killed as Palestinians lined up for humanitarian assistance”:

Israel’s solution IDF killing Israeli Jews? Blame the Palestinians:

Should Muslims be denied the claim that they founded Aligarh University simply because they welcomed allowed non-Muslim students to attend?

“Feminists” outraged by unverified charges of Hamas rapes and sexual abuse are silent about UN-documented Israeli rapes and sexual harassment:

The “prison system … often treats Muslim prisoners, the majority of whom are Black, with suspicion, hostility and racism. Even against this backdrop, the ERDCC attack stands out for its savagery”:

“Incessant Israeli incursions into Jenin refugee camp since October 7 have killed nearly 100 Palestinians, including many civilians. … [T]he children of the Second Intifada are taking up arms” …

… and “Israel has intensified its military occupation of the West Bank — through arrests, raids and crippling restrictions on movement”:

“Palestinian journalists accuse British media of failing to properly report on the mass deaths of their colleages in Gaza”:

“Restaurants … are precisely the kind of spaces where nuanced understanding can actually be built” and attacks on Palestinian and Israeli restaurants are attempts to dehumanize the Other:

Some “people waded into the water to try to retrieve it while others boarded small boats”:






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