News and Analysis 3/1/24

Israeli claims that the civilians were killed not by the IDF but by the contractors delivering food during a stampede s contradicted by a doctor and by journalists on the scene …

… so Israel may have to silence these journalists as it has so many others:

Even the Biden administration isn’t falling for Israel’s attempt to minimize the civilian death in Gaza …

… and the ICJ ruling is no deterrent …

… so neutrality becomes more difficult, and more people in America and around the world take sides for or against genocide:

“Government hoping for strong turnout to ward off claims people are rejecting the regime by staying at home”:

The “novel was seen as a challenge to imperialism following the Algerian war of independence,” and the author refused “to tone down the ‘Muslim flavour’ of his book”; Villeneuve is no Frank Herbert:

Israel has crippled UNRWA with horrifying accusations and zero evidence:

“Despite … caveats about the absence of a Muslim vote, history shows that Muslims will use the ballot box to send messages on both domestic and foreign policy issues”:

The minister who wanted to nuke Gaza now wants to nuke the Muslim month of fasting:

When a nun’s trip to donate her kidney to her brother was threatened by one of France’s famous strikes, a Muslim cab driver “spontaneously offered to drive the nun to her destination free of charge”:






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