News and Analysis 3/16/24

Israeli authorities have blocked thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank from reaching the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” yet, “80,000 worshippers made it to the holy site” …

… while in Rafah worshipers pray in the streets declaring, “The whole land is the land of God, so we can pray anywhere. The occupation can’t deprive us of that”:

“There will be pressure on the Irish delegation from their constituents and elected officials back at home to call out what they see as American complicity in the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians”:

Two more attacks on aid seekers within hours, and as always, Israel denies responsibility …

… as the death toll reaches 31,490:

Israeli forestation policies have evolved, but the objective has always been the same:

Opposite decisions in a case “seeking to prevent harm to Palestinians, and the other stop aid from reaching them” challenges US judicial “independence and objectivity in issues relating to Israel-Palestine”:

“Muslim leaders warned aides that people would decline invitations in objection to the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war”:

“[I]t is uncertain if any of the settlers or their farms have assets in U.S. jurisdictions. However, an earlier tranche of sanctions against settlers spooked Israeli banks that do business with them”:

“Nasrallah reassured Qaani he didn’t want Iran to get sucked into a war with Israel or the United States and that Hezbollah would fight on its own,” saying, “This is our fight”:

The inscriptions are ” evidence that the object passed from Muslim to Jewish hands — and that the two groups were living and working alongside one another”:






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