News and Analysis 5/2/24

Congress threatens to punish objectors to Israeli genocide on charges of genocide …

… but America’s students refuse to  be intimidated …

… and students around the world are following their lead:

“The BBC … put the allegations to the IRGC and the Iranian government before publication and they did not respond”:

“Mr. Parra faced jail for 19 months under Sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, and was released on bail by the Jammu and Kashmir High Court in 2022″:

“Unlike previous wars, the destruction in Gaza today is unprecedented in scope and scale and coupled with the loss of homes, livelihoods, natural resources, infrastructure as well as institutional capacities”:

“Human rights lawyer Babak Paknia, who is Rasoulof’s lawyer, said … that Iran’s authorities also pressured them to convince Rasoulof to withdraw the film from the festival”:






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