News and Analysis 5/6/24

“World leaders have called on Israel not to go ahead with a ground assault on the southern Gaza city, where 1.4M have sought shelter”:

As protests persist during graduation ceremonies …

… the contrast between Harvard and Columbia demonstrates the wisdom of not calling in the police:

“Nahla Al-Arian lost more than 200 relatives in Israel’s attacks on Gaza. Then Eric Adams said she was the reason police raided Columbia”:

“A source close to the families of those arrested suspects they may be held at an IRGC intelligence detention center”:

“Labour suffered key losses in areas with high Muslim populations due to controversies over the party’s stance on the Gaza war”:

“These protests [in the US] … made us happy by finding people from the west who stood with our cause … [But] at the same time it made us sad because our brothers in the Arab countries did not do what these people did”:

“The measure will include closing Al Jazeera’s offices in Israel, confiscating broadcast equipment, cutting off the channel from cable and satellite companies and blocking its websites”:

Another in the long line of Palestinian peaceful resistance leaders faces Israeli violence:

The “first university in the world was established by two Muslim women:”






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