News and Analysis 5/8/24

“Hundreds of angry protesters in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem denounced the government’s rejection of the ceasefire proposal” …

… which would have released all the Israeli captives:

Israel’s seizure of the only crossing not already directly controlled by Israel chokes off the population in more than one way:

“[S]enior PA leaders believed Barghouti’s release would threaten the leadership of PA President Mahmoud Abbas”:

A number of universities have reached compromise with the protestors …

… will Harvard join them?

“Our research … finds that there is a group of people who not only agree that Muslims contribute to all problems in American society, but who also agree that Jews contribute to all problems in American society”:

“Torturing of doctors is in part meant to extract false confessions from them, witnesses say”:

The “Palestinian Exception” to free speech in America …

… is a green light to authoritarians elsewhere:

‘[A]ll high school social studies departments were told to make sure the materials, if found at their schools, were removed and discarded”:

In Britain, “94% of respondents experienced a deterioration in their mental health since October 7th. Only 23% felt supported by their employers. 51% believe the industry is structurally and/or systemically discriminatory”:






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