News and Analysis 5/11/24

“They stripped them down of anything that resembles human beings,” said one whistleblower, who worked as a medic at the facility’s field hospital”:

“We only have two wheelchairs, so I have to carry one of [two seriously injured family members] on my back and so it would be impossible to move at all if the situation worsened”:

Bringing in the police is the main source of campus violence:

The Center for Constitutional Rights warns “of the abuse of broad ‘material support’ laws to shrink the space for Palestinian rights”:

“[T]he Home Office told Ashkar that [her visa] had been denied on the grounds that granting it would ‘harm the public interest’, without giving any further reasons or explanation”:

Voting against the motion were the United States, Israel, Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea”:

The “draft Hamas accepted contained only ‘minor changes in wording’ from a version the US had earlier pushed for with Israeli approval, and that the changes were made in consultation with Burns”:

“[R]emoving the special status of the Himalayan region hasn’t gone down well with the people” in Kashmir …

… while in the Pulwama district, the “former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister also alleged that her party’s active workers, who have been organising its meetings, have been detained ahead of the polling”:






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