News and Analysis 5/12/24

The movement is not restricted to campuses, is not violent, and is not a call for violence against Jews but for an end to violence against Palestinians …

… and it is growing:

Although the art installation is no longer listed on the website, it’s unclear whether it will be on display at Burning Man, which is scheduled from Aug. 25 to Sept. 2:

Updates on the war on journalists:

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco says that it will no longer fund “the Central Fund of Israel” which violated their giving guidelines to fund Canary Mission:

“There is going to be a complete shutter-down and wheel-jam strike observed across PoK and specifically in Muzaffarabad against the police brutality against our peaceful protesters in Dadyal”:

“The hegemony enjoyed by the two main parties is slowly disintegrating, and many are now considering smaller parties”:

“At this important turning point in history you have to decide whether you will allow Vote Jihad to continue or, vote in support of building a Ram Rajya” — Narendra Modi:

“I saw a ghost city, all buildings on the two sides of the road, complete districts were wiped out. People are fleeing for safety, knowing there was no place safe, and there are no tents and no people to care for them”:






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