News and Analysis 5/16/24

“We cannot have a clearer ask for the off-campus Jewish community: stay off our campus. Your actions are harming Jewish students” –Hillel open letter to off-campus Jewish community responsible for campus violence:

It’s not not just the students who are being harassed:

“The government has ensured that horrific practices in sites like Sde Teiman can continue with impunity, in violation of international law and medical ethics”:

Biden wants it both ways:

Palestinians commemorate the original Nakba as Israel demonstrates its commitment to yet another, even worse:

Need more proof that the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is not about religion? A Palestinian Muslim can convert to Judaism, but the IDF will still shoot him on sight:

‘Israeli businessmen close to the prime minister wish to turn a destroyed Gaza into a regional trade and industrial hub under Israeli control and exploiting Palestinian natural gas and cheap labor”:

“The United Nations’ top court has opened two days of hearings into a request from South Africa to halt Israel’s military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah”:

Protests continue — and spread :






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