News and Analysis 6/4/24

The civilians were killed in retaliation for Hezbollah’s “attack on the Israeli Yardun barracks in the occupied Golan Heights”:

“Following the White House announcement, the ACLU confirmed it would sue, just as it had during the Trump administration”:

Macron says that there “is a long-term Islamist plan to take control of the French Republic” even as he “denies stigmatizing Muslims”:

“Moreover, 60 percent support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and nearly one-third agree with accusations that Israel committed genocide in the Gaza Strip”:

“The attempts to silence legal scholarship on the Nakba by subjecting it to an unusual and discriminatory process are not only reflective of a pervasive and alarming Palestine exception to academic freedom”:

“A number of New York charities send more than $60 million a year to fund the violation of international law,” including “money for thermal drones and … pistol to rifle conversion kits”:

“Today’s young American student protesters see the destruction of heritage, the obliteration of knowledge, and the assault on institutions of learning in Gaza as connected to assaults on their own education”:

“300 women and 635 minors are among those in Israeli detention”:

The Knesset considering a law to give national security minister Ben Gvir “sole authority to use anti-terrorism tactics in the fight against domestic crime … which he is almost certain to use against — not for the benefit of — Arab citizens”:






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