News and Analysis 7/6/24

Helped by a 20% jump in turnout over the record-low first round, the former heart surgeon  wins the Iranian Presidency, promising to look at the unseen and listen to the unheard:

“[F]ive pro-Palestinian independents were elected as MPs, including Jeremy Corbyn” …

… and Muslim voters hurt the Labour Party …

… but the big winner is the “unstinting” supporter of Israeli genocide:

The No Tax Dollars for College Encampments Act “would strip U.S. schools of their federal accreditation if they fail to squash protests in support of Gaza”:

“Israeli war jets and attack helicopters targeted with missiles and bullets two schools, run by the UNRWA, causing many casualties at the Mousa Bin Nusair School” …

… and strikes have killed journalists and their children:

Gazans conclude, “There is no safe place. Safety is with God”:

“Taliban has confirmed holding two Americans in custody and is in talks with the US about a potential prisoner exchange, including Afghan detainees in Guantanamo Bay”:

“The resolution condemning Christian Zionism described it as ‘an ideological vision that it says links the State of Israel with biblical views of the “promised land,” and therefore justifies taking land away from Palestinians’”:






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