News and Analysis 2/4/25

Activists demand ‘no more disrespect for the United States by a client state’:

“The Nuremberg Tribunal was set up to go after all those involved in the Holocaust during World War II. The Global South must set up its own tribunal to prosecute all those involved in the Gaza Genocide”:

“A large number of those detained were relatives of Kashmiri militants based in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir”:

“As Israel kills dozens of Palestinians in Jenin, it also denies victims’ families the dignity to bury their loved ones”:

A Muslim entertainer “approaches everything she does with purpose, passion and an unwavering commitment to justice” …

… but “less than 10% of … Muslim characters [have] a significant role in the story. … One-third of Muslim characters in major Hollywood films were linked to violence,” and “[l]ess than 1% of Hollywood’s writers, producers, or directors are Muslims”:

“My client considers that his statements fall within the scope of criticism of religion, which is covered by the freedom of expression” — Najem’s lawyer:

“The last time Trump went all-in on Iranian sanctions, oil prices spiked north of $80”:

While officials denied Iranian involvement in the assassination attempt in July, the DoJ claims ” to have prevented an Iranian scheme to assassinate Trump prior to the presidential election”:






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