News and Analysis 2/17/25

“[I]f Islamic law were merely based on the Quran, today we would not be discussing Islamic punishments for blasphemy—or apostasy, the banning of which is also a serious threat to freedom”:

Israeli war crimes continue …

… and there’s more to come:

“According to the most recent survey by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey, published in September 2024, 42% of Palestinians in Gaza and only 17% of those in the West Bank backed the PA”:

They have reached a “consensus on actions if Iran refuses to sign a nuclear agreement far more stringent than the one negotiated in 2015, including strikes on Iranian nuclear sites”:

“[P]articipants explore everything from cultural norms and stigmas to religious compatibility with potential spouses — ensuring their ideals of what’s ‘halal’ (or permissible) and ‘haram’ (or forbidden) align”:

Zahed is convinced that the taboo against homosexuality in the Arab-Muslim world is mostly a cultural phenomenon rather than a religious edict …

… and South Africa’s Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) condemned Mr. Hendrick’s killing and violence against LGBTQ community, charging the police to arrest his killers”:

It’s open season on Palestinians even when the “Palestinians” are actually Israeli Jews:

“Mrs. Foreman is reported to have been carrying out a research project on their journey to Australia, asking people what it means to be human and what constitutes a good life”:






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