“Erdogan says his reproach “you know very well how to kill” was aimed “not against the Israeli people or Jews but against the Israeli administration”:
While the Obama administration weighs its opinions in dealing with Iran…
- Writings Offer Look at Administration Debate on Iran (Washington Post)
…Manouchehr Mottaki, Iran’s foreign minister, claims Tehran will be “co-operative” as soon as US policy in the Middle East changes “not in saying but in practice”:
- US Overtures Divide Iran’s Policymakers (Guardian)
An Israeli human rights group reports “Israeli authorities are ‘systematically violating international law and the property rights of Palestinian residents’”:
- Settlement Data ‘Implicates Israel’ (Al Jazeera)
In an election with serious implications on the future of Iraqi politics…
- A Momentous Vote in Iraq After Years of War (Christian Science Monitor)
…Five candidates have been murdered; four of them Sunni Muslims:
- Three Sunni Candidates Slain Days Before Elections (Washington Post)
For many in Rafah, the smuggling tunnels remain an necessary source of revenue:
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