James Madison said that the Constitutional placement of the power to declare war into the hands of the Congress was a conscious attempt to limit the President, but John Kerry says he knows better than Madison …
- Bomb Syria? President Obama Must Go to Congress for a Declaration of War (Forbes)
- Syria Crisis: Obama ‘Has the Right’ to Strike Regardless of Vote, Says Kerry (Guardian)
…Â implying the administration’s consultation with Congress is just a show, of no more interest to them than the U.N.’s as yet uncompleted findings of fact …
- Obama and Aides Confront Skeptical Congress on Syria Strike (Reuters)
- Obama to Congress: Put Up or Shut Up (Washington Post)
- UN Chemical Weapons Team Leaves Syria. What’s Next? (Christian Science Monitor)
- Syria Asks the United Nations to Stop U.S. Strike (Reuters)
… and the mounting evidence that the attack would be unjustified, immoral, ineffective, and counterproductive will be ignored:
- Why the Left Is Split on Syria (Washington Post)
- Obama’s Proposed Syria Strikes Are ‘Largely Divorced from the Interests of the Syrian People’ (Washington Post)
- Could Bombing Syria Kill More Civilians than It Saves? (Washington Post)
- As US Weighs War, Fears of Power of Jihadis in Syria (Christian Science Monitor)
- As Obama Mulls Syria Attack, High Stakes for Israel (Christian Science Monitor)
- Oil Is Spiking. And It’s Not Just Syria to Blame (Washington Post)
- Say No to a Feckless Syria Strike (Washington Post)
“[P]roposed amendments would remove Islamic [sic] articles … and also lift a ban on some Mubarak-era officials assuming public office. Drawn up by a 10-member ‘committee of experts’ appointed by decree, the draft preserves the privileged status of the military, which it effectively shields from civilian oversight” …
… and a “[n]on-binding ruling a futher setback for Islamist group that has suffered army-led crackdown since Mohamed Morsi’s overthrow”:
Linda Sasour has been working on the issue of NYPD spying for several years, but they put the Arab American Association of New York of which she is executive director was put on the NYPD Terrorism Enterprise Investigation list in order to put an infiltrator on their board of directors, this time it was personal …
… and “[t]wo Muslim sisters … aged 12 and 14 … told the New York Daily News that they were thrown to the ground, put in chokeholds, and had their hijabs violently torn off by members of the NYPD, for a reason that remains unclear” and a bystander who tried to record the police brutality says he was “pepper-sprayed and punched in the face”:
- Muslim Teens Allegedly Beaten by NYPD In Bronx Park; Claims Made that Hijabs Ripped Off (Huffington Post)
Although the order details no evidence against Mursi, it seems “to extinguish hope of a political resolution that would bring the Brotherhood out from underground and back into the political process”:
Is this a preview of what lies in store for Egypt’s junta?
- Turkish Ex-Army Chief on Trial for 1997 Coup (AP / abc News)
The school claims it is not intolerant of Muslims in particular, but of individualists in general, saying, “We can’t make adjustments for one individual, or else we will have to do it for all” …
- Muslim Family, St Hugh’s Fuss over Girl’s Dress (Jamaica Observer)
… in stark contrast with the  Cricket Australia which, despite the fact that “[t]here are no provisions in cricketers’ contracts for objections to sponsors’ logos has reasonably accommodated a player’s objection to advertising alcohol on the grounds that when “a player  has reasonable personal or professional objection … they would allow the player to be exempt”:
- Muslim Spinner Given Leave to Keep a Sponsor Off His Back (Sydney Morning Herald)
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said Egypt’s government was widening a “censorship campaign”, adding that its research showed that four other journalists were in custody”, saying “Egyptian security forces continue to detain and harass journalists working for news outlets critical of the military-led government, particularly Al Jazeera and its affiliates”:
“The maximum penalty for homosexuality in Oman is three years in prison, whereas in other Gulf states, longer sentences, flogging and even the death penalty are not unknown”, but the English language newspaper The Week devotes its entire front page to apologizing for suggesting that their country is less intolerant of homosexuals than their neighbors”:
“Family members … refuted reports [Badie] had suffered a heart attack or that his jaw had been broken while being tortured by interrogators”:
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