News and Analysis (2/27/09)

Parties agree to the immediate release of all political prisoners, and five committees will address the issues of forming a unity government, rebuilding institutions, establishing presidential and legislative elections, security services, and reconciliation:

The rebellion was motivated by the belief that the paramilitary members get second-class treatment, denied promotion and adequate living conditions:

Marri’s attorney says the criminal charges should have been files seven years ago and the issue before the Supreme Court “of whether the government may indefinitely detain legal residents or those in Guantánamo remains alive:

Further complicating the plight of Rohingya Muslims:

Even a kindergarten school designed to integrate Jewish and Arab students has seen the repercussions of the Gaza war on its students:

A U.N. special investigator holds foreign agents from Australia, Britain, China, France,  Germany, Italy Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Tajikistan, Tunisia and Uzbekistan “in breach of their legal obligations in regard to the prohibition on torture and arbitrary detention”:

Positive signs emerge as both sides hope to improve relations:


Minaret of Freedom Institute Program Assistant






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