Author: Hanan Hameed

  • News and Analysis (7/7/14)

    The caliphate “plagued by intrigue, division and bloodshed. Three of the first four ‘rightly guided caliphs’ were assassinated.” Later, the famous Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid caliphates “were constantly at war with one another. Not quite the golden age of the Islamist imagination” … The Hand-Choppers of Isis Are Deluded: There Is Nothing Islamic About Their…

  • News and Analysis (7/2/2014)

    The Iraqi government tries to solve the crisis by holding parliamentary meetings to resolve differences and form a new government, but to no avail. “[T]he meeting quickly descended into farce, with Sunnis and Kurds using an unscheduled recess to withdraw their legislators, ensuring the session collapsed” … Iraqi Parliament Session Collapses Amid Political Standoff (The Guardian) …amid…

  • News and Analysis (6/30/14)

    ISIL’s declaration of Islamic statehood “and its demand that Muslims swear oaths of fealty to its leader – could prove the most disastrous piece of jihadi overreach since Al Qaeda in Iraq‘s routine use of torture and beheadings spurred a Sunni Arab backlash in 2006″ … Jihadis in Iraq and Syria Declare a Caliphate? Why that’s…

  • News and Analysis (6/27/14)

    Linda Sarsour, the Director of Arab American Association of New York, rebuts Bridgette Gabriel’s accusations that “anywhere from 180-300 million Muslims worldwide [are] violent extremists”: CNN Guest Battles ‘Pseudo-Expert’ from Heritage Panel over Anti-Islam ‘Fear-mongering’ (CNN) A George Washington University study ranked 208 countries on “ Islamicity Index” … “the ‘Islamicity’ of a country is based on…

  • News and Analysis (6/26/14)

    Islam in Australia arrived around 1500-1600, where Makassans, sea cucumbers Muslim traders left a legacy and “Islamic beliefs [ that] influenced Aboriginal mythology… Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had regular contact with Muslims long before the arrival of Christian colonizers” … When Islam Came to Australia (BBC) …. After the Bendigo Mosque debate, a Victorian…

  • News and Analysis (6/24/14)

    “[T]he Sudanese have assured the U.S. that the family is not under arrest and that they are safe…. U.S. officials are continuing to work on getting them out of the country” … Freed Christian Woman, Family Detained While Trying to Leave Sudan (Christian Science Monitor) … while in Malaysia, ‘The highest court has rejected a…

  • (6/22/14) News and Analysis

    The multiple stabbing death of a Muslim student “has sparked threats of violent revenge on social media websites including Facebook and Twitter, which police officers are monitoring as part of the murder investigation”: Police Urge Caution over Murder of Muslim Student in Essex (The Guardian) “Amnesty International described the verdicts as ‘the latest example of the…

  • (6/20/14) News and Analysis

    Sara Harvard responds to the question, “Can you tell me who the head of the Muslim peace movement is?” by noting, “there are numerous Muslim organizations that dedicate themselves to peace, non-violence, and interfaith and cross-cultural partnerships”: I Won’t Apologize for Being Muslim (Huffington Post) Councillor claims that she “doesn’t mind Muslims praying in Bendigo, but…

  • (6/18/14) News and Analysis

    “Politico media critic Dylan Byers has criticized Dana Milbanks’ column about the treatment of Sara Ahmad, concluding that she “was actually treated graciously by the panelists” … Muslim Woman Who Ran for Congress in Oregon Is Center of Attention at D.C. Forum ( The Oregonian) … but an Irish Muslim explains that he is tired of defending Islam,…

  • (6/17/14) News and Analysis

    ISIS pushes towards Baghdad, but “[t]he Times questions the authenticity of the ‘massacre’ images circulating online…Its deputy picture editor Elizabeth Orcutt cautions that the pictures look too high-quality, too composed and are unusual for being shot by a stills camera rather than on video” … The Papers: Pictures of a ‘War Crime’ Massacre (BBC) … and…

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