Month: November 2008

  • News and Analysis (11/29-30/08)

    What began as a clash between two political parties over a disputed election turned into Christian-Muslim conflict: Calm Returns to Nigerian City After Deadly Clashes (AP) The White House policy that “if a country cannot deal with a terrorism problem on its own, the United States reserves the right to act unilaterally” may make India…

  • News and Analysis (11/28/08)

    Prosecutors simplified “a complex case of terrorism financing” to secure convictions: Second Chance Helps US in Terror-Financing Case (AP / Washington Post) The High Court rules in favor of Palestinians, requiring the government explain why settlements have not been removed in accordance with the ‘road map’ peace plan: Israeli Court Rebukes State Over Illegal Outposts…

  • News and Analysis (11/27/08)

    “Given the choice of targets, the coordinated nature of the assaults, one might think it is Islamic extremists. It is a fair theory. But at this point, it is just that — a theory,” – US Official Al Qaeda Just One Suspect in India Terrorist Attacks (LA Times) The agreement now needs approval from by…

  • News and Analysis (11/26/08)

    “The Fourth Amendment’s requirement of reasonableness — but not the Warrant Clause — applies to extraterritorial searches and seizures of U.S. citizens” – Judge José A. Cabranes Court Backs Warrantless Searches Abroad (NY Times) In a step to establish civilian authority, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence’s ‘political wing’ is quietly shut down: Pakistan Spy Agency…

  • News and Analysis (11/25/08)

    Verdict threatens to be a green light for wider intimidation of Muslim charity organizations: Five Convicted in Terrorism Financing Trial (Washington Post) Guantanamo prisoner released to Yemeni custody in the trial case of military commissions for accused terrorists: Bin Laden’s Driver to Be Returned to Yemen (NY Times) “The greatest enemy in many cases is…

  • News and Analysis (11/24/08)

    Two shot dead with about 20 wounded as Indian forces opened fire against the “stone-throwing” demonstrators boycotting the elections: Protesters Shot in Indian-Kashmir (Al Jazeera) The expiration of the UN security agreement leaves Iraq’s oil wealth and other assets at risk for seizure to satisfy billions of dollars in legal claims against Saddam Hussein’s regime:…

  • News and Analysis (11/22-23/08)

    Considered the strongest pro-Israeli candidate for secretary of state, the selection of Hillary Clinton would leave many wary for the prospect of peace: Some in Arab World Wary of Clinton (Washington Post) The non-binding legal opinion of Malaysia’s National Fatwa Council shows ignorance of Islam, Hinduism and Yoga: Malaysian Islamic Body Bans Yoga for Muslims…

  • News and Analysis (11/21/08)

    A judge who previously ruled against the detainees releases five and describes the government’s evidence as “skimpy” while questioning credibility of the government’s sources: 5 at Guantanamo Ordered Released (Washington Post) Wrenching Choices on Guantanamo (Washington Post) In order to secure maritime trade in the Red Sea, “the international community must search for stability and…

  • Obsession: Neoconservatives Assault on the Islamic Faith

    In an outrageous attempt to raise fears and produce votes in favor of John McCain, the movie Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West was distributed to over 28 million homes with funding provided by Clarion Fund. A flagrant misrepresentation of Islamic beliefs, the film purposely undermines its own disclaimers in order to distort Islam…

  • News and Analysis (11/20/08)

    Zawahiri applies Malcolm X’s term for domestic slaves’ acquiescence in their people’s oppression to Obama and other African-American leaders, and the main stream media takes what is on its face a personal attack as a “racial slur”: Al-Qaeda Leader Uses Slur Against Obama in Web Video (Washington Post) Over the years the U.S. has come…

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