Month: December 2013

  • News and Analysis (12/30/13)

    With thousands in jail and up to a million Muslim Brotherhood supporters targeted by the Egyptian junta, Hagel expresses concern … U.S. Defense Chief Voices Concern in Call to Egypt Army Head (Reuters) … Egypt lowers the hammer on journalists who won’t toe the line … Egypt Arrests al-Jazeera Journalists (Guardian) …  while Al-Sisi vows…

  • News and Analysis (12/28/13)

    “There were indications that the government had taken on more than it could handle by outlawing the Brotherhood and anyone associated with it, including a network of social service organizations and charities that provide services to millions of Egyptians” … Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Defy Egyptian Crackdown (NY Times) …and now “one student has been killed…

  • News and Analysis (12/26/13)

    Egypt kicks off its new campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood by formally naming it a terrorist organization … Egypt’s Rulers Slap Terror Label on Muslim Brotherhood (Christian Science Monitor) Bomb Injures Five After Egyptian Government Escalates ‘War on Terror’ (Guardian) … and by arresting 16 men suspected of “”promoting the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood…

  • News and Analysis (12/24/13)

    The Muslim Brotherhood has condemned the lethal attack, which in any case was not aimed at civilians, that doesn’t stop Cabinet spokesman Sherif Shawki from using the incident as an excuse to brand the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization: Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Deadly Blast in Nile Delta (Reuters / Yahoo) Egypt’s Brotherhood Gets the Blame for Police…

  • News and Analysis (12/23/13)

    The protesters complaint was simple. If Maher or any other Egyptian could be charged with a crime for peacefully demonstrating, then Egypt was not free, the uprising against Mubarak had not succeeded…. Their convictions signal a military-government crackdown on political dissent that is expanding far beyond the Muslim Brotherhood” … In Egypt, the ‘Revolution’ Is Eating…

  • News and Analysis (12/20/13)

    The judge says the Guantanamo detainee needs a mental evaluation before the trial can proceed; but was it torture that drive him crazy? … New Delay Hits 9/11 Case At Guantanamo (AP / NPR) … yet in England a “prominent Libyan dissident cannot pursue his ‘well-founded’ claim that he was unlawfully abducted in a joint…

  • News and Analysis (12/18/13)

    “Most political observers attribute the raids to a deepening feud between Erdogan and the Gulen Movement, a powerful Islamic organization whose leader, Fethullah Gulen, lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania.” Gulen accuses Erdogan of an increasing authoritarianism and refers to him as “The Pharaoh”: Turkey Power Struggle Pits Erdogan Against Former Ally (Christian Science Monitor) Three members of the…

  • News and Analysis (12/16/13)

    Her husband was the “kind of guy most girls dream about and pray for: good-looking, fun-loving, and well-educated”, but now he is serving 23 years in a dreaded CMU, and she considers her husband “a political prisoner of pre-emptive prosecution”, and feels abandoned by her own Muslim community: Left Behind – the Families of Muslim Prisoners…

  • New and Analysis (12/14/13)

    “The US government has been lying for years about Robert Levinson, a man kidnapped in Iran after being sent there as part of a rogue CIA operation. Some media have been playing along”: Levinson, Iran, the CIA, and Lies (Christian Science Monitor) We can believe that Gen. Sisi aspires to be a dictator in the…

  • News and Analysis (12/12/13)

    “Judge Mustafa Salama said the case of the Brotherhood’s General Guide Mohamed Badie and fellow defendants, who are charged with inciting the killing of protesters, would be transferred to the Cairo appeals court”: Uproar in Egyptian Court Halts Trial of Muslim Brotherhood Leaders (Reuters / VoA) As the Egyptian regime turns away desperate Syrian refugees,…

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