Month: February 2014

  • The Current Situation in Syria: Problems and Prospects

    The following are my notes from the presentation on “The Current Situation in Syria: Problems and Prospects” made by Amb. Mark G. Hambley & William Morris (Next Century Foundation) in a round table discussion at the 2014 Dialogue on Middle East Strategies sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization. The notes represent my impression of the…

  • News and Analysis (2/28/14)

    “The Turkish authorities have freed the sons of two former cabinet ministers pending trial, the latest twist in a major corruption investigation” … Turkey Frees Cabinet Ministers’ Sons (BBC) … and “after the law was enacted late on Thursday, Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag appointed at least nine new senior members of the judiciary. The opposition…

  • News and Analysis (2/26/14)

    The research director of Begg’s organization to support Muslim prisoners said, “We are disgusted that Moazzam Begg is being retraumatised with the same guilt by association accusations that resulted in his unlawful incarceration in Guantanamo Bay”: Former Guantanamo Detainee Moazzam Begg Arrested Following Compensation Payout (Telegraph) “They did things to us that is against humanity,…

  • News and Analysis (2/24/14)

    Hazem El-Beblawi who “was appointed after the army toppled president Mohamed Mursi last July” announced today that “the cabinet took a decision to offer its resignation to the president of the republic,” but “gave no clear reason for the decision” … Egyptian PM Says Government Resigning (Reuters) … as yet another capital charge is leveled…

  • News and Analysis (2/22/14)

    “Rights groups say courts have failed to hold police accountable for the deaths of over 840 protesters during the 18-day uprising.” Egypt’s military is just as eager to acquit its murderous minions … Egypt Acquits 6 Policemen in 2011 Uprising Case (AP / abc News) … as it is to prosecute its elected leaders and…

  • News and Analysis (2/20/14)

    Some defendants say “they had not been told by Egyptian officials when their trial would start, and not given enough time with their lawyers to prepare or study the evidence against them” and one adds that a although fine physically, “he faced ‘psychologically unbearable’ conditions”: Al-Jazeera Journalists Deny Charges at Egypt Trial (BBC) Iran’s economic…

  • News and Analysis (2/17/14)

    Why is “a notorious Muslim-basher and conspiracy theorist … who …  claims that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency is a secret Muslim agent for the Saudi government and says that American Muslims ‘do not have a First Amendment right to do anything’” now training law officers? Virginia County Sheriff Hosting Anti-Muslim Training by Disgraced Conspiracy…

  • News and Analysis (2/14/14)

    With rebels and government both engaged in what the UN’s humanitarian chief Valerie Amos calls flagrant violations of humanitarian law, negotiator Brahimi is increasingly concerned; the U.S. and Russia will use their influence, but what about Iran and the Arab Gulf states? Syria Crisis: UN ‘Must Stop Flagrant Violation of Humanitarian Law’ (BBC) Syria ‘Failure’…

  • News and Analysis (2/12/14)

    After arresting a U.S. embassy “employee who arranged meetings between visiting American government officials and Muslim Brotherhood deputy head Khairat el-Shater” … US Embassy Employee Detained in Egypt (AP /abc News) … the next victim in the sights of the junta is the free market, as the regime seeks to wipe out the enterprises that…

  • News and Analysis (2/10/14)

    “The new powers, once approved by the president, will let authorities block web pages within hours, in what the opposition has said is part of a government bid to stifle discussion of a corruption scandal” Turkish Police Fire Tear Gas to Break Up Internet Protest (Reuters) An IAEA statement Sunday said Iran had complied with the first…

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