Month: March 2014

  • News and Analysis (3/31/14)

    “US forces arrested and detained al-Jazeera journalists … while they were doing their jobs, and tortured them while attempting to establish ties between al-Jazeera and al-Qaida. Neither … received justice for their wrongful detention”: Egypt’s al-Jazeera Trial Was Inspired by America’s Global War on Journalism (Guardian) Should Obama care if “ the home country of 15…

  • News and Analysis (3/28/14)

    “Proposed discriminatory laws are the latest escalation in persecution of Muslims and a political ploy to secure Buddhist votes ahead of polls in 2015”: Burma’s Muslims Are Facing Incredibly Harsh Curbs on Marriage, Childbirth and Religion (Time) “Lawyers for Abu Ghaith said the prosecution was based on ‘ugly words and bad associations,’ rather than actual…

  • News and Analysis (3/26/14)

    “The death sentences issued Monday by a court in the city of Minya, south of Cairo, brought an outcry from rights groups and criticism from the United Nations, European Union and United States over the cursory trial, which lasted only two sessions and in which lawyers said they were denied the right to make their…

  • News and Analysis (3/24/14)

    “Security forces have killed hundreds of Brotherhood members in the street, and arrested thousands of others”: Egyptian Court Sentences 529 Muslim Brotherhood Members to Death: Lawyer (Reuters) As Turks continue to use circumvent the Twitter ban, Erdogan boasts that he is deaf to criticism and he will crush all his enemies: Twitter, Syria, and Gulen…

  • News and Analysis (3/21/14)

    “On Friday, Turkish President Abdullah Gul tweeted his own thought on the matter, quite different from Erdogan: “One cannot approve of the complete closure of social media platforms,” he wrote, adding that only individual web pages should be blocked if a court order is in place specifically regarding the violation of an person’s privacy” ……

  • News and Analysis (3/18/14)

    “Captain Amr Farouq’s jail-term among first given to an official involved in country’s recent crackdown on dissent”: Egypt Police Captain Jailed for 10 Years over Death of 37 Prisoners Gassed in Van (Christian Science Monitor) “[S]ome neighbors intervened and informed the fighters that she was a Christian by birth. So they spared her life —…

  • News and Analysis (3/16/14)

    “Erdogan has accused a coalition of “anarchists, terrorists and vandals” as well as opposition parties and an influential U.S.-based Islamic cleric, Fethullah Gulen, of orchestrating the unrest to undermine him. Using harsh words unlikely to soothe public anger, Erdogan … criticized the boy’s parents and suggested he had not really gone to buy bread”: Erdogan Links…

  • News and Analysis (3/12/14)

    “Not God took my son away, but [Prime Minister Recep] Tayyip ErdoÄŸan” – the boy’s mother: Turkish Police Fire Teargas to Quell Protests After Boy, 15, Dies (Guardian) Both Jordan and the PA have demanded an investigation in to the “shooting at close range” of a judge from Jordan as he crossed the Allenby bridge to…

  • News and Analysis (3/10/14)

    “Shamsia, now 8 months old, will one day learn how she was saved by a split-second decision by two women who refused to be influenced by the hatreds enveloping their country. She will also one day learn how her mother and her brothers died”: The Central African Republic’s Complex War, Explained in the Journey of…

  • News and Analysis (3/8/14)

    An “X, cut deep into the gray metal of the gate,… [evoked] a memory … of 1944,” when Stalin’s police tagged the houses of … the native Muslim residents of the peninsula … and all of them—almost two hundred thousand people—were evicted from their homes, loaded onto trains, and sent to Central Asia”: Who Will Protect…

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