Month: July 2014

  • News and Analysis (7/30/14)

    “Despite being home to more than a million Muslims, Italy has put stringent limits on the number of government-approved mosques…, there are just seven in the entire country … [and] Muslims have been forced to transform warehouses, parking lots, stadiums and supermarkets into places of prayer”:  Hidden Islam: Nicolo Degiorgis Charts the Challenges of Being…

  • News and Analysis (7/29/14)

    Attempts to kill two of Nigeria’s most prominent of Muslim leaders, Sheikh Dahiru Bauch and Muhmmadu Buhari occurred after the two declared Boko Haram’s actions “unislamic”: In Nigeria, a Civil War Within Islam (Christian Science Monitor) ISIS continues to demolish both Christian sites in northern Iraq and Islamic landmarks that are hundreds of years old, as the…

  • News and Analysis (7/27/14)

    EID MUBARAK! Warned by a coward hiding behind the handle “Abu Hafs” to “stop hindering men from Allah’s path,” the founder of the Islamic Friendship Association replies, “it is people like this Abu Hafs who are ‘hindering men from Allah’s path’”: Muslim Leader Threatened for Warning Against Going to Syria and Iraq (The Sydney Morning Herald)…

  • News and Analysis (7/25/14)

    If Israel thinks its offensive will further divide the Palestinian people, it is having the opposite effect, bringing Palestinians with political differences together where “there is one value that unifies the entire Palestinian people: resistance, by any means necessary” .. Resistance Unites Palestine: Hamas Will Emerge Stronger From Gaza (Middle East Monitor) … and if Israel thinks…

  • News and Analysis (7/24/14)

    As Israeli atrocities reach new heights … Israeli Strike on Gaza School Kills 15 and Leaves 200 Wounded (Guardian) Gaza Crisis: UN Claims Israel Did Not Allow Evacuation from Shelter Before Strikes (Guardian) … Obama wants Israel “to do more” to limit the casualties of Gaza civilians, but neither Obama nor the Department of State specified…

  • News and Analysis (7/23/14)

    As the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” attacks Baghdad, killing more than 33 in its most recent attack, in addition to claiming “responsibility for a wave of bombings in Baghdad, including several blasts on Saturday which killed 27 people” … Islamic State Says Carried Out Baghdad Suicide Bombing (Reuters) Today in Iraq more human rights are violated…

  • News and Analysis (7/22/14)

    Exploring a “phenomenon that has been far more pervasive than the media, government officials, or community leaders have acknowledged” the new film “shines a light on the informants … actively enlisting young men who never demonstrated any inclinations toward engaging in violence”: The informants: Manufacturing Terror (Al-Jazeera) As the carnage continues … Israel Pounds Gaza…

  • News and Analysis (7/20/14)

    From London to New Zealand, from Libya to the Vatican, public expressions of solidarity with and concern for the people of Gaza … Tens of Thousands March to Israeli Embassy in Kensington for Free Palestine Protest (The Evening Standard) Thousands Attend Pro-Palestine Rally in New Zealand (PHOTOS, VIDEO) Libya’s Mufti Calls for Muslims to Support Gaza (Middle…

  • What Is the Future of Islamic Reform Movements?

    [This is the ninth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Islamic Reform Movements After the Arab Spring held in Herndon, VA. It constitutes my impressions of the presentations and discussion. The official proceedings will be published by IIIT at a later time. Names of participants (other than mine) in the general discussion…

  • News and Analysis (7/18/14)

    As Israel promises more carnage … Israel Steps Up Gaza Ground Offensive, Civilian Casualties Grow (Reuters) … details emerge about the bizarre iftar at which President Obama defended Israel’s right to defend itself while ignoring Palestinian’s rights to defend themselves, demoralizing all the attendees except Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer who milled about isolated in the adjacent White…

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