Month: March 2015

  • News and Analysis (3/12/15)

    When the FBI assured the local police that the Islamic endowment in town was legitimate and no threat, the village manager emailed the Clarion project asking if they knew something the FBI didn’t, the Islamophobic propaganda outlet behind the report did not respond: Police Say No Radical Muslim Groups in Oak Brook, Despite TV Report…

  • News and Analysis (3/10/15)

    Is it treason? Insulting the President isn’t good enough for some Congressional Republicans who now step up the game to insult the American government itself by telling their already paranoid hardline counterparts in Iran that the U.S. cannot be trusted to adhere to any deal it might sign: Iran Says GOP Letter Suggests US Is…

  • Muslims Are Losing the Race

    Last Sunday, I was one of only seven people to attend a rally called outside the Pakistani Embassy by Mauri Saalakhan of the Peace and Justice Foundation to show support for the call for an independent medical panel to investigate the condition of Dr. Aafia Siddiqi. She is the neuroscientist who seems to be losing…

  • News and Analysis (3/8/15)

    “Members of Egypt’s security services were due to be questioned on Sunday by defence lawyers over their claims that the Al-Jazeera English journalists had conspired with terrorists to falsify news reports. But for the second hearing in a row, the witnesses failed to attend court” … Al-Jazeera Journalists in Egypt Trial Held in ‘Unprecedented Legal…

  • News and Analysis (3/6/15)

    “I was spying on innocent people. They were not involved in criminal activity.  They were not espousing terrorist rhetoric, but I was still spying on them and giving the FBI the information they wanted”: Former FBI Informant Craig Monteilh: FBI Encouraged Me To Sleep With Muslim Women For Intel (Huffington Post) “Iraqi forces pressed their…

  • “Jurisprudential Methodologies and Contemporary Challenges“

    [This is the fifth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Islamic Law and Ethics held in Herndon, VA in June  2014. These notes have only been lightly edited and represent my perception of the discussion. The proceedings will be published by IIIT at a later time. Responsibility for any errors…

  • News and Analysis (3/4/15)

    Netanyahu’s “argument was long on appeals to emotion – he pointed out Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel in the audience while calling Iran a ‘dark and murderous regime’ – and short on facts and reasonable alternatives” … Netanyahu Says Iran Deal Will Lead to Nuclear Bomb. But What About No Deal? (Christian Science Monitor) … “I’ve…

  • News and Analysis (3/2/15)

    Another case of government manufactured terrorism is added to the list: FBI Arrests 3 Brooklyn Men Suspected of Planning to Join ISIS (Huffington Post) Majlis AshShura (Islamic Leadership Council) of Metropolitan New York: Statement on Arrest in NYC of Three Suspects Charged with Support for Terrorism (Majilis ash-Shura) Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture…

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