Month: May 2015

  • News and Analysis (5/31/15)

    A man in a “profanity-laced shirt, accepted an invitation to join the evening prayer inside the mosque, and said the experience changed him” and another “who had earlier said he didn’t care if his t-shirt was offensive, assured a small crowd of Muslims at the end of the rally that he wouldn’t wear it again” ……

  • News and Analysis (5/29/15)

    “Sunni Muslim Arab states have maintained an air bombing campaign against the Houthis, allied to archrival Shi’ite Iran, but the Houthis retain the upper hand in battles in the south” … Yemen May Never Emerge Intact from Civil War (Reuters) .. and the apparent military stalemate has provoked “mutterings around the Gulf states now that…

  • News and Analysis (5/26/15)

    “Whether it’s Islamic women or whoever, it’s just not right they can abuse people like that. No one should be doing that to anyone regardless of race or gender or religious creed”: Good Samaritan Assaulted After Standing Up for Muslim Women Who Were Abused on Melbourne Train (The Age) Sectarian tensions grow in Pakistan: Alleged…

  • Marriage Law in Indonesia: Deconstructing the Concept of Women’s Rights Within Islam

    [This is the ninth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Islamic Law and Ethics held in Herndon, VA in June  2014. These notes are NOT a transcript, but a lightly edited presentation of  my perception of the discussion. The proceedings will be published by IIIT at a later time. Responsibility for…

  • News and Analysis (5/24/15)

    Arab world is outraged as US blocks an effort to rid the Middle East of nuclear weapons: UN Nuclear Weapons Talks Fail ‘over Israel Row’ (BBC) Israel Thanks U.S. for Stand on Mideast Nuclear Arms Ban at U.N. (Reuters) “The comments by the Iranian deputy foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, carried by state television, came after…

  • News and Analysis (5/21/15)

    The full panel overturned a previous decision in favor of an actress who had been defrauded into participating in the project as a case of unconstitutional “prior restraint” because ” copyright law is not intended to protect people from the type of harm Garcia claimed to have suffered”: Anti-Muslim Film that Sparked Violence Goes Back…

  • The Ethical Structure of Islamic Jurisprudence: The Cases of al-Juwayni and the Hanafis

    [This is the eighth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Islamic Law and Ethics held in Herndon, VA in June  2014. These notes are NOT a transcript, but a lightly edited presentation of  my perception of the discussion. The proceedings will be published by IIIT at a later time.…

  • News and Analysis (5/18/15)

    “As an independent academic and scholar, I will continue to uphold and defend democratic values, human rights and national reconciliation. These are the exact values that Egypt needs at the moment…. I believe this is the essence of why I was targeted and what my case is all about” … Statement by Prof. Emad Shahin…

  • News and Analysis (5/16/15)

    As the establishment circles the wagons to denounce Sy Hersh’s allegations of White House deception, the veteran journalist, visibly irritated by the controversy, hangs tough, and at least one major revelation, that an former ISI officer leaked the information of bin Ladin’s whereabouts to the US, is confirmed: Former CIA Deputy Director Slams Seymour Hersh’s Bin Laden Account…

  • News and Analysis (5/14/15)

    Among explosive claims in Sy Hersch’s latest exposé are that Bin Ladin was an invalid prisoner of the ISI, that his whereabouts were leaked to the CIA by “a former senior Pakistani intelligence officer” out for the reward money, and that the U.S. agreed to Saudi and Pakistani demands not to take him alive” ……

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