Month: March 2023

  • News and Analysis 3/6/23

    Israel is determined to continue its oppression of Palestinians even on Muslim and Jewish holidays, and even if they are American citizens: Israel’s Parliament Votes to Extend Ban on Palestinian Family Unification (Haaretz) Israel to Close Palestinian Territories During Jewish Festival (New Arab) Israel to Continue Demolishing Palestinian Homes During Ramadan (Middle East Eye) Palestinian…

  • News and Analysis 3/3/23

    ACLU says the court’s decision gives states “time and flexibility to expand the existing legislation” to include “criminalizing boycotts and making them punishable by law”: US Anti-boycott Laws Could Take a ‘Draconian’ Turn. But the Fight Is Not Over (972 Magazine) He remains in jail despite an Iranian appeals court that cleared him “of all…

  • News and Analysis 3/2/23

    Israel support for settler violence is not tacit at all: Israel Releases Settlers Arrested After Anti-Palestinian Attacks (Aljazeera) Israel’s Smotrich Wants ‘Another Nakba’, Says Former Defence Minister (Middle East Eye) Israel: Legal Scholars Call for ‘War Crimes’ Investigation into Smotrich Remarks (Middle East Eye) Jewish Settlers Attack Palestinian Ambulance Transporting Sick Child (Palestine Chronicle) Israeli…

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