Month: November 2006

  • News and Analysis (11/30/06)

    Gearing up for another civil war in the Middle East? Lebanese Think the Unthinkable: Another Civil War (LA Times) Some Sunni scholars in Southern Iraq issued a fatwa prohibiting the killing of Shi’as: Some Sunnis in Iraq Have a Plan for Peace (LA Times) Muslim lawyer falsely arrested in connection to Madrid bombings receives apology,…

  • News and Analysis (11/29/06)

    Suspension in protest over al-Maliki’s meeting with Bush stops short of a withdrawal that would cause the government to fall: · Powerful Shiite Bloc Boycotts Iraqi Government (Washington Post) Some call it genocide, but no one puts a stop to it: · Atrocities Daily in Sudan’s Darfur: U.N. Rights Chief (Reuters) Lawyer ejected for addressing…

  • News and Analysis (11/28/06)

    China’s Hui Muslims: “The national policies are opening up and as long as you don’t go against the country’s religious policies and regulations, you can freely progress.”—but then, is it really ‘free’? China’s Muslims Look to Middle East as Ties Grow (Washington Post/Reuters) Meanwhile, China increases persecution of the Uighars, arresting and harassing the family…

  • News and Analysis (11/27/06)

    Erdogan wants to talk with Benedict: ·        Turkish Prime Minister, Pontiff to Meet (abcnews) Troop reductions announced: ·        Britain to Downgrade Commitment to Iraq (abcnews) If they want freedom of speech they should insult prophets instead: ·        Two U.S. Men Charged With Broadcasting Hezbollah TV (Reuters) ·        Woman Faces Fines for Wreath Peace Sign (abcnews)…

  • News and Analysis (11/26/06)

    “Do not let those who are depriving you of security impinge on your unity.”–Shi`a, Sunni and Kurdish joint statement: ·        Calls for Calm as Crowd Stones Iraq PM (Reuters) “A senior U.S. official said this month Washington was ‘in principle’ ready to discuss Iraq with Iran but said the timing of such talks was unclear”:…

  • News and Analysis (11/24/06)

    Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander: Haniyeh: Rocket Fire to Stop If Israel Halts Attacks (Reuters) David Kimche suggests Israel replace its current policy with something that works: Let’s Say ‘Yes’ to a Cease-Fire (Jerusalem Post) Whodunnit? Patrick Seale looks at the usual suspects and the ones who stand to gain: Gemayel,…

  • News and Analysis (11/21/06)

    Pierre Gemayel is fifth opponent of Syria to be slain in two years: Anti-Syria Politician Killed in Lebanon (abcnews) Bush administration Iraq strategy does what Arab and Muslim peacemakers failed to do for 24 years: Syria, Iraq Restore Ties to Combat Militants (Reuters) When did they ban prayer in flight? U.S. Muslims Outraged After Imams…

  • News and Analysis (11/20/06)

    Iraq decides not to wait for the Baker-Hamilton report: Iraq Says to Restore Full Ties With Syria (Reuters) Iraq President to Visit Iran As Another 78 Killed (APF) Nine civic leaders plead that Iraqi policy hurts the struggle against extremism: Bush Shrugs Off Storm Of Protest in Indonesia (AFP) Judge finds case against the man…

  • Pakistani Rape Laws: An Unholy Hybrid

    Over the past weeks and months Pakistan has been embroiled in a debate over changes to the “Hudood Ordinances,” which, among other things, require a woman to provide four eyewitnesses to complain about rape—lacking the four witnesses, she may then be tried for perjury and/or adultery. The institution of the required four witnesses to prove…

  • News and Analysis (11/17/06)

    In the Netherlands freedom of expression is a one-way street: Dutch To Ban Wearing Of Muslim Burqa In Public (Washington Post) But Israel has always refused “to negotiate with terrorists:” Islamic Jihad Offers ‘To Stop Attacks If Israel Stops’ (AFP) A glimmer f Hope For An End To the violence that has claimed 200,000 lives:…

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