Month: January 2010

  • News and Analysis (1/30-31/10)

    The Taliban leadership council e-mail dismissed “mere futile and baseless rumors” and re-emphasized “continuation of Islamic Jihad against all invaders as a means to frustrate these conspiracies’”: Taliban Denies Reports That Leaders Met with U.N. Envoy (Washington Post) Israeli news-site confirms suspicions that Israeli Shin Bet and Mossad operatives arrived in Dubai with the explicit…

  • A Circle of Civilizations

    Prof. Antony Sullivan, a member of the Minaret of Freedom Institute’s board of advisers, spoke at the International Institute of Islamic Thought on the motivations of the creation of the Circle of Tradition and Progress. It was a spiritual and civilized response of Western and Islamic scholars and intellectuals to Prof. Samuel Huntington’s power-driven speculations…

  • News and Analysis (1/29/10)

    US leaders remain skeptical as Karzai attempts a broad move of reconciliation with all Taliban leadership … U.S. Cool to Karzai Plan on Taliban (LA Times) … Meanwhile, secret meetings in Dubai indicate hope the negotiation process: UN in Secret Peace Talks with Taliban (Guardian) Even as US soldiers focus on small-scale projects,aim to fight…

  • News and Analysis (1/27/10)

    With Taliban leadership convinced they can outlast international presence in Afghanistan, a new role for Pakistan emerges … Pakistan Seeks Role as Mediator in Possible Taliban-Afghanistan Peace Talks (Washington Post) Karzai’s time line for training and independently financing Afghanistan troops is upwards of 15 years … Training Afghan Forces Will Take Years, Karzai Says (NY…

  • News and Analysis (1/26/10)

    The singer’s attorney disputes the charges and says the arrest is an attempt to stifle free speech … Farmington Hills Man Accused of Terrorist Ties Is Popular Muslim Singer (Detroit Free Press) … while a violation of free press is reversed: Malaysian Court Lifts Ban on Book by Muslim Women (Times of India) As Hamas…

  • News and Analysis (1/26/2010)

    “I stand firmly by the belief that cheating took place in the election and the results were doubtful, and I believe the vote count was completely rigged…. However, since Mr. Khamenei endorsed Mr. Ahmadinejad, for this very reason I consider him the president of the current government of this system.” — ”  Karroubi quoted by…

  • News and Analysis (1/25/10)

    Perhaps bin Laden’s role was mainly inspirational: Bin Laden Takes Credit for Airline Bombing Plot; Officials Express Skepticism (LA Times) Despite the desperate circumstances, skeptics argue the court system will not have the political power to coax the ISI into cooperating with the investigation: In Pakistan, High Court Investigates ‘Disappearances’ in Wake of 9/11 (Christian…

  • News and Analysis (1/23-24/09)

    In the face of worldwide opinion, Israel will rebut the Goldstone report after all … Israel Poised to Challenge a U.N. Report on Gaza (NY Times) … Meanwhile, with the border quiet, Israel eyes potential missile sites north of Beirut: … Hezbollah’s Relocation of Rocket Sites to Lebanon’s Interior Poses Wider Threat (Washington Post) The…

  • News and Analysis (1/22/10)

    Will the U.S. grant detainees held as prisoners of war in order to avoid safeguards criminals have against detention without charge and coerced testimony the rights of prisoners of war under teh Geneva Convention? Justice Task Force Recommends About 50 Guantanamo Detainees be Held Indefinitely (Washington Post) Despite Gates attempt to personally appeal the decision,…

  • News and Analysis (1/21/10)

    Jared Malsin, chief English editor of the Maan News has been deported from the West Bank after refusing to answer questions about his “anti-Israeli” views … Israel Removes American Employed by Palestinian News Agency (Washington Post) … Meanwhile, Netanyahu makes the outrageous claim that Israeli troops must be allowed to operate in any future and…

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