Month: May 2011
News and Analysis (5/12/11)
If Sen. Inhofe’s description of the photo is accurate, and the bullet appears to have EXITED rather than ENTERED through bin Laden’s eye, no wonder they buried the body at sea; even in war, shooting an unarmed man in the back (even if the bullet entered the ear) is not a heroic act: US Senator…
News and Analysis (5/11/11)
The ill-conceived and xenophobic law could annul wills, adoptions, and foreign marriages: Anti-Sharia Measure Under Attack in the Courts (Salon) “Egypt’s caretaker government said on Wednesday it will prepare a law within a month to ease restrictions on building churches while banning protests in front of places of worship, after attacks on Cairo churches”: Egypt…
News and Analysis (5/10/11)
Muslim “scientists at the conference agreed … that science-religion issues popping up majority-Muslim communities at the moment are unlike the ones we typically see in American public debates,” but are concerned that a “culture without freedom of thought had left scientists in many parts of the Muslim world in ‘an intellectual vacuum’”: How Will the…
News and Analysis (5/9/11)
Under the State Homeland Security Program and Urban Areas Security Initiative, taxpayer money is made available for hate groups posing as national security consultants “to promote Islamophobic conspiracy theories that demonize mainstream Islam and Muslims communities” at what are supposed to be training seminars for security professionals: Manufacturing the Muslim Menace (Political Research Associates) A…
Afghanistan After the Death of Osama Bin Laden
These are my answers to questions posed by Javier Méndez, a journalist for El Mercurio newspaper, in Santiago, Chile, regarding Afghanistan after the death of Osama Bin Laden: Q. Do you believe there is a chance that the U.S. and NATO forces will be withdrawn from Afghanistan? Do you think it is convenient for the…
News and Analysis (5/5/11)
As Pakistan accused the U.S. of a cold-blooded killing in violation of its sovereignty, “President Obama ruled out publicly releasing photographs of the deceased Osama bin Laden on Wednesday, and White House officials said they would give no new details about the raid on his compound in Pakistan”: White House Goes Silent on Bin Laden…
News and Analysis (5/4/11)
With the revelation that, contradictory to early reports, Bin Ladin was neither armed nor using human shields, Eric Holder’s claim that warfare allows for the killing of unarmed opponents is called into question: Were Navy SEALs Justified in Shooting an Unarmed Osama bin Laden? (Christian Science Monitor) Hiding in plain sight is great tactic, but…
News and Analysis (5/2/11)
As American Muslims join in the cheering for Bin Ladin’s death, a rabbi sounds a note of caution that he would have preferred “to see Bin Laden arrested to stand trial, “ but denials of charges by Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood that killing was an intended assassination and not solely a consequence of his…