Month: June 2012

  • News and Analysis (6/28/12)

    “The stakes are now very high because a jury will be asked to decide if the government engaged in preventative detention — a practice that Congress has never authorized in the history of this country” — Federal Magistrate Says US Falsely Detained Muslim Man as Witness in Terror Case (AP/ Washington Post) Bahrain has offered…

  • News and Analysis (6/26/12)

    When the NDAA empowered the American military to detain citizens we argued it was unAmerican and when Egypt’s military did the same thing, the Muslim Brotherhood complained it was unIslamic; now the Egyptian courts rule its unEgyptian as well: Egypt Court Rejects Army Powers to Arrest Civilians (Reuters) Morsi’s announcement that his VPs will be…

  • News and Analysis (6/25/12)

    Following his 52%-48% victory in the presidential election … Mohamed Morsi Named New Egyptian President (Washington Post with Foreign Policy) … Morsi calls for unity, declaring, “I have no rights, only responsibilities. If I do not deliver, do not obey me” … Egypt’s Morsi Calls for Unity After Poll Win (AlJazeera) … and promises conciliation…

  • News and Analysis (6/22/12)

    It is through efforts to bring both religious and international principles into the discussion on refugees that there is hope that leaders can find new and realistic solutions to this pressing issue: Connecting Islam and International Law to Help Refugees (Huffington Post) “A military source who spoke to Ahram Online on condition of anonymity spelt out…

  • News and Analysis (6/20/12)

    Tariq Ramadan is provides a country-by country analysis of the factors that influenced the events of the Arab Spring: Review: Islam and the Arab Awakening (Culture Mob) “Under the previous standards, investment was banned or restricted in companies that were involved in industries deemed to be unethical, such as gambling, alcohol and tobacco. These restrictions are now…

  • News and Analysis (6/18/12)

    Egypt’s military trumps the FJP presidential election victory by declaring its own constitution preserving a military dictatorship: Muslim Brotherhood Declares its Candidate Has Won Egypt’s Presidential Election (AP / Washington Post with Foreign Affairs) Egypt’s Generals Act to Negate Outcome of Presidential Poll (Guardian) Egypt’s Military Issues Decree Giving Vast Powers to Armed Forces, but…

  • News and Analysis (6/15/12)

    By dissolving the parliament the Mubarak-appointed Egyptian high court has tipped the military’s hand that it has no intention of giving up power, but in doing so provides an opportunity for Egypt’s extremely diverse democratic movement to regain the unity it has lost since Mubarak’s resignation: Egyptian High Court Dissolves Parliament (Christian Science Monitor) Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (6/13/12)

    Taking its cue from the US’s NDAA detention provisions? Egypt Justice Ministry Authorizes Civilian Arrests by Military (Christian Science Monitor) Unrest plagues even Tunisia whose experience with the Arab Spring has been long listed as an example of success. The new regime’s policy of freedom of expression for all is now challenged by the acts…

  • News and Analysis (6/10/12)

    “Karzai said he had been given a ‘commitment’ that American forces would cease bombing such targets” following “widespread anger in Afghanistan over a raid on Wednesday that killed women, children and elderly people in a home that US forces believed was harbouring a Taliban militant”: Afghan President Karzai: US to Cease Air Strikes on Residential…

  • News and Analysis (6/8/12)

    “Marine Gen. John Allen flew to Logar province to personally deliver his regrets to villagers and provincial officials for the deaths of women, children and village elders in Wednesday’s pre-dawn raid to capture a Taliban operative. Afghan officials have said the airstrike called in by NATO troops killed 18 civilians”: NATO Apologizes for Civilian Deaths in Afghan…

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