Month: February 2017

  • News and Analysis (2/26/17)

    McMaster’s views may be eclipsed those by clash-of-civilization fanatics Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller who “have close ties to Mr. Trump and walk-in privileges in the Oval Office” McMaster lacks: H.R. McMaster Breaks With Administration on Views of Islam (NY Times) “What right does the United States have to inquire about somebody’s religion when they enter…

  • New and Analysis (2/23/17)

    As American Jews rallied in support of American Muslims under attack by the administration, American Muslims rally in support of American Jews victimized by grave desecration and bomb threats … Muslim Activists Raise More than $70,000 to Repair Vandalized Jewish Cemetery (The Root) … but the  Palestinian Muslim activist who co-organized the successful fundraising drive…

  • News and Analysis (2/20/17)

    The American people have responded to the latest outpouring of anti-Islamic propaganda with an effort to discover the truth to themselves: Response to Negativity Fosters Understanding Toward Local Muslim Community (Santa Clarita Valley Signal) “[T]he Def Jam founder and mogul told the Times Square crowd[,] ‘We are here unified because of Donald Trump. We want…

  • Tasnim News Agency Interview with Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad

    [This is the substance of Reza Saiedi’s interview with me for Tasnim New Agency on the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution.] Q. It has been 38 years since  the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and during this time, we have witnessed the hostile acts of America against the Iranian nation,…

  • News and Analysis (2/17/17)

    Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization could be a tool for “anti-Muslim crusaders to hound unaffiliated, mainstream Muslim organizations and potentially criminalize their leadership”: Anti-Muslim Conspiracists Escalate Campaign to Crush Muslim Civil Society Organizations (Salon) Trump’s inner circle is convinced that America is fighting a battle to the death with Islam – not one to…

  • News and Analysis (2/14/17)

    The surge “reflects not an influx of new refugees, but a backlog of those who had undergone an 18-month to two-year vetting process prior to the Jan. 27 executive order and had already been” approved: Who Are the Refugees and Immigrants Entering the US Since the Travel Ban Was Lifted?  (Christian Science Monitor) Judge “Robart…

  • News and Analysis (2/11/17)

    “‘[W]hy did they have to kill children and women and elderly people?’ said Zabnallah Saif al Ameri, who lost nine members of his extended family, five of whom were children”: Nine Young Children Killed: The Full Details of The Botched US Raid in Yemen (Mint Press) Rather than risk a “fourth legal setback over the…

  • News and Analysis (2/8/17)

    “The 9th Circuit … court said it would likely rule this week but would not issue a same-day ruling. The matter will ultimately likely go to the U.S. Supreme Court”: Appeals Court Presses Trump Administration on Travel Ban (Reuters) Sec. Kelly “and his staff were only allowed to see the order after Mr Trump signed…

  • News and Analysis (2/5/17)

    Trump supporters expecting “a smarter, more self-interested, more restrained, and above all more successful foreign policy than his predecessors … should be disappointed and deeply worried”: Trump Has Already Blown It: The president could have started a foreign-policy revolution. Instead, he triggered a foreign-policy revolt (Foreign Policy) “ISIS is emboldened now because Bannon’s undaunted pursuit of…

  • News and Analysis (2/2/17)

    Trump’s desire to tear up the nuclear agreement Iran may explain his administration’s saber-rattling over a missile launch that it agrees didn’t violate  the nuclear deal … US Puts Iran ‘on Notice’ After Missile Test, Won’t Elaborate (Christian Science Monitor) … but what explains his “acrimonious telephone call with Australia’s prime minister” accusing the American…

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