Month: April 2018

  • News and Analysis (4/30/18)

    Mr. Netanyahu, tear down this wall! After “hundreds of Palestinian protesters attempted to tear down a fence along the Israel-Gaza border[,] … Israeli forces opened fire on the crowd, marking the most violent clash in a series of ongoing protests in the region”: Violent Conflict Ignites Along Israeli Border Fence in Gaza (Christian Science Monitor)…

  • News and Analysis (4/27/18)

    “Does it violate federal law? Is it unconstitutional? Should courts defer to presidents on immigration and national security matters? Should courts defer to an unorthodox executive on these matters? Should they examine statements he makes outside of court, or” in campaign? … As Supreme Court Hears Travel Ban, Questions of Presidential Authority Also on Docket…

  • News and Analysis (4/24/18)

    Inspectors will need weeks to analyze samples for evidence of gas or chemical release. “That means there is very little chance President Trump had ‘slam dunk’ evidence that Assad used gas in Douma earlier this month when he decided to launch a military attack on Syria” — Ron Paul: What Will Weapons Inspectors Find in…

  • News and Analysis (4/22/18)

    Erdogan wants us the world to believe he can’t tell the difference between refusing to free a man held on dubious charges and refusing to extradite a man sought on dubious charges: Turkey’s Erdogan Says U.S. Should Look at Its Own Actions if It Wants Jailed Pastor Freed (Reuters) “If surveillance is going to be…

  • News and Analysis (4/20/18)

    “The government said her behaviour [not allowing men should to touch her body without her consent] showed she was ‘not assimiliated into the French community’”: Muslim Woman Who Refused Handshake Denied French Citizenship (Straits Times) “Polling data shows us that most Muslims worldwide, and American Muslims in particular, reject the use of violence against civilians,”…

  • News and Analysis (4/18/18)

    Gorsuch objected that making judges determine whether there is “a substantial risk that physical force may be used” in a crime that applies to “everyone from armed home intruders to door-to-door salesmen peddling shady products” gives unconstitutional discretion to judges’ intuition: Neil Gorsuch Joins Liberals in 5-4 SCOTUS Opinion Striking Down Portion of Federal Immigration…

  • News and Analysis (4/16/18)

    Theresa May “has said she did not seek a green light from parliament for the attacks due to the need to act quickly” but Russia blame delays preventing “international inspectors from reaching the site of a suspected poison gas attack … on retaliatory U.S.-led missile strikes on Syria”: U.S. Accuses Russia, Syria of Tampering with…

  • News and Analysis (4/13/18)

    It is unacceptable that for positions that require “credibility as a fair-minded person toward foreign nations and different peoples … President Trump has selected two individuals … tied to individuals and organizations that have exhibited hateful bias against Muslims around the world”: Don’t Overlook John Bolton and Mike Pompeo’s Anti-Muslim Ties (Washington Post) Much as Anti-Semites…

  • News and Analysis (4/11/18)

    “That the Red Crescent operates a hospital in a city supposedly inundated with wounded and didn’t get a single patient with confirmed exposure, however, is very noteworthy” … Red Crescent Says No Evidence of Chemical Attack in Syria’s Douma ( … and in talks with the Trump administration both “France and Britain … stressed that…

  • The Muslim Community & the Issue of Identity and Belonging

    [These are my notes from The Washington Forum Lecture Series* program on “The Muslim Community & the Issue of Identity and Belonging” held in Fairfax, VA on April 4, 2018. These notes summarize my impression of highlights of the presentations and are not an attempted transcription.] Summary of the Introduction by Ustadh Anwar Haddam: The first lecture…

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