Month: July 2018

  • Iran’s Currency Crisis Is an Opportunity

    Donald Trump’s withdrawal from JCPOA (“Iran Nuclear Deal”) poses many problems for everyone, including both the U.S. and Iran.  The biggest problems for Iran are the economic crisis threatened by the loss of foreign investment and the currency crisis threatened by denial of access to the dollar denominated banking system, a vulnerability demonstrated by the…

  • News and Analysis (7/30/18)

    Is Khan’s win “about growing up as a democracy; about maturing as a nation privileged with fundamental rights and liberties; about flowering as a society that is shrugging off the bitter past of a menacing State,” or has he “shown a soft spot for the powerful army and religious extremists”? Khan’s Victory in Pakistan Prompts…

  • News and Analysis (7/28/18)

    The U.S. plan to farm out its Middle East intervention will further destabilize the region: US Plans to Revive ‘Arab NATO’ to Confront Iran (Al Jazeera) Iran’s privatization plan will offer attractive prices and flexible terms as well as tax holidays for investors who agree to take over some of the 76,000 government projects which…

  • News and Analysis (7/27/18)

    “Israeli forces suppressed Palestinian crowds at return camps using live bullets and tear-gas bombs … [in a futile attempt to stop the] ‘Great March of Return’ protests … launched by thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza … to demand their right of return as refugees to their original homelands” … Palestinian Killed, Others Injured on…

  • News and Analysis (7/25/18)

    One of Ramadan’s accusers now admits that the date on which she claimed she was raped cannot be right, but the court which previously denied bail refuses to dismiss the charges: French Court Denies Tariq Ramadan’s Request to Drop Rape Charges (France24) If you thought Joe Walsh was willing to humiliate himself to suck up…

  • News and Analysis (7/23/18)

    “[W]hite and rightwing terrorists carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Muslim extremists between 2008 and 2016″ but “attacks committed by non-Muslims (or where the religion was unknown) received an average of 15 headlines, while those committed by Muslim[s] … received 105 headlines”: Terror Attacks by Muslims Receive 357% More Press Attention, Study…

  • News and Analysis (7/21/18)

    “But the Trump administration is using it to denaturalize citizens who’ve been living in the United States for decades, are married to American citizens, and have no criminal history.”: The Latest Target of the Trump Administration’s Anti-Immigration Jihad: Naturalized Americans (Reason) “Al Jazeera has been told, off the record, that the US put pressure on…

  • News and Analysis (7/19/18)

    The atheist asked if his preference for church bells over the Muslim call to prayer is due to  his cultural upbringing. Fatima Bhutto replied, “No, it’s your bigotry,” and a former Winchester Cathedral chorister who finds “muezzin enchanting and profoundly evocative” calls Dawkins’ tweet “gratuitously vile” … Richard Dawkins Sparks Outrage After Saying Muslim Call to…

  • News and Analysis (7/17/18)

    There may be more Muslims running for office than ever before in the U.S. but they face challenges that range from haters to admirers who won’t support opponents because they fear that Muslims just can’t win: Between the Lines: Muslim Americans Setting Campaign Records (Axios) Muslim Candidates Run in Record Numbers but Face Backlash (AP…

  • News and Analysis (7/14/18)

    FDD helped “propel the administration to unapologetically implement a widely unpopular policy … [thanks to] ties to powerful administration insiders … combined with a seemingly open-ended invitation to testify before Congress, … [and] close ties to the GOP establishment and hawkish Democrats”: This Think Tank Is Pushing Regime Change in Iran—and the White House Is Listening…

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