Month: September 2018

  • News and Analysis (9/30/18)

    “The only way to portray Iran as a terrorist state is to define terror as opposing American power…. Zarif’s job is to persuade the world to rebel against Trump’s dictates. He has already had some success, notably in India, China, Russia, and Turkey” … Iran’s Best Diplomat Takes on US Power (Boston Globe) … Zarif “said…

  • News and Analysis (9/27/18)

    Press outlets that characterize Rouhani’s words at the U.N. as saber-rattling just aren’t listening: Rouhani Says Iran Does Not Wish to Go to War with U.S. Forces in the Region (Reuters) The poet says she is “very happy to be free, finally, after three years” after “being sent to prison for a poem, but it…

  • News and Analysis (9/23/18)

    Trita Parsi warns that “the terrorist attack in Ahvaz” might be part a Saudi and UAE effort “to goad Iran to retaliate” in order “to spark a larger war and force the US to enter” … Attack in Iran Raises Spectre of a Potentially Far Larger Conflagration (Mideast Soccer) … while Rudolph Guilliani told an Iran…

  • News and Analysis (9/20/18)

    “[B]efore and beyond the Zionist abuse of Judaism (similar to the Islamist abuse of Islam in Iran and Saudi Arabia, or colonial abuse of Christianity …) there is an enduring and historically grounded proximity to the Judeo-Islamic heritage which started even before the Golden Era of Andalusia”: Yum Kippur and Ashura: Are Muslims Observing a…

  • News and Analysis (9/17/18)

    “Working as an eye doctor in East Jerusalem, I saw first-hand how Israel maims Palestinians as a form of crowd control. Now Trump is cutting U.S. funds to the hospitals that treat them”: Trump and Israel’s ‘Vision’ for the Palestinians Is to Blind Them. Literally (Haaretz) “While the effectiveness of Iran’s online disinformation networks is…

  • News and Analysis (9/15/18)

    “Khankan says she is not challenging the Quran, just rewriting a male-dominated way of worship … ‘by promoting and disseminating new narratives, with a focus on gender equality. It’s not a reform. We’re going back to the essence of Islam’”: ‘We’re Going Back to the Essence of Islam’: The Rise of Women’s Mosques in US…

  • News and Analysis (9/12/18)

    John Bolton threatens to “use any means necessary” to insulate Israel and the U.S. from what others see as the “recourse for victims of genocide and other war crimes in lawless countries.” offered by the ICC’s “court of last resort [that] seeks to complement, not replace, national courts” … Trump Administration to Sanction International Criminal Court,…

  • News and Analysis (9/9/18)

    Trump thinks he can get Palestinians to accept apartheid by “cutting money to cover cancer treatments and other critical care for Palestinians at Jerusalem hospitals” … New Cuts in Medical Aid to Palestinians by Trump Administration (NPR) … but instead it will stoke the resistance … Palestinians Warn of Far-reaching Repercussions of US Decision to…

  • News and Analysis (9/6/18)

    “Israel’s new Nation State Law … has already increased the discrimination against Palestinians in Israel to absurd levels: they’re being prohibited from raising chickens, planting potatoes, gathering traditional herbs. Small sewing and knitting factories are being closed down”: Israeli Racism – Legalized and Running Rampant (If Americans Knew) “Amnesty International’s Saudi Arabia campaigner Dana Ahmed…

  • News and Analysis (9/3/18)

    “Islam does provide for women’s rights, but enforcement is the problem” in South Africa. “How do you leave someone desolate when you know that person was an equal contributor to that marriage?” Court Win for Muslim Women (Weekend Argus / Independent Online) An 11-year old student says the madrassa is “friendly and you can practice…

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