Month: December 2018

  • News and Analysis (12/30/18)

    Safeidin Chapman is released after ten years in jail for playing paintball after the Supreme Court rules defining as “violent” acts that involve neither violent actions nor intention are unconstitutional: ‘Fuzzy’ Language in Law Leads to Reversals in Gun Cases (Washington Post) ‘Journalist Rania Khalek, whose video was restored after public outcry, says the ability…

  • News and Analysis (12/27/18)

    “At the Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem they fear the next administration will … [lead] to a more aggressive policy of settlement building in the West Bank, and a less peaceful stance towards Gaza” … Little Town of Bethlehem: Palestinians at Christmas Fear Move to the Right as Early Elections Loom in Israel (Independent) … and…

  • News and Analysis (12/24/18)

    “For yet another year, Gaza’s Christian minority celebrates Christmas under siege, unable to join family in West Bank” : Next year in Bethlehem: Gaza Christmas Celebrated Despite Siege (Al-Jazeera) A call “for Muslims to stay away from Christmas celebrations drew a sharp rebuke from a vocal critic …, saying the Islamist party is suffering from…

  • News and Analysis (12/22/18)

    For the second year Muslims will “relieve Christian volunteers at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church” to provides”a break for Manna Community Meal volunteers so they can prepare their family’s holiday meals”: Muslim Volunteers Serving Meals in Detroit on Christmas Eve (WSBT) When Islam turns statist: “Once ‘Islam’ is injected into public debates, how citizens interpret their…

  • News and Analysis (12/20/18)

    Rashida Tlaib says, “Muslims were there at the beginning. … Some of our founding fathers knew more about Islam than some members of Congress now”:  Detroit Congresswoman to Use Jefferson’s Koran for Swearing-in Ceremony (Detroit Free Press) “Shaima Swileh will get on the earliest available flight out of Egypt, using a rare travel waiver granted…

  • News and Analysis (12/18/18)

    “[I]n the wake of Hurricane Harvey … the town of Dickinson, Texas — near Houston — required people who wanted to get Hurricane Harvey relief funds to pledge to not boycott Israel”: Muslim Group Challenging Texas’ ‘No Boycott of Israel’ Law (KVUE) A businessman adds his voice “to a steady chorus of American citizens with…

  • News and Analysis (12/15/18)

    “Human rights groups have recorded dozens of incidents of the Israeli military using U.S.-made weapons in unlawful ways to injure and kill Palestinian civilians”: Inside Sources Say the State Dept Refuses To Trace Whether Israel Is Using U.S. Military Aid Illegally (In These Times) “A number of key issues remain unresolved … and Antonio Guterres, UN…

  • News and Analysis (12/13/18)

    The death of a premature infant due to the shooting of a pregnant settler is properly deplored, but not the murder of a disabled Palestinian, nor that the Israelis kill 16 times as many children as Palestinians: Two Shootings in Israel and Palestine, Equally Criminal (Haaretz) Arrested and released on charges “of insulting Supreme Leader…

  • News and Analysis (12/10/18)

    “[T]he ‘false accusations and censorship against Hill represent yet another example of the “Palestine Exception” to free speech’ and that his firing by Temple University would violate the First Amendment”: Temple Warned that Firing Marc Lamont Hill Would Violate First Amendment (Electronic Intifada) A flimsy lawsuit: “religious discrimination (illegal settlements are by definition all-Jewish); failure…

  • News and Analysis (12/7/18)

    “The Blocking Regulation would make it illegal for European companies to comply with U.S. sanctions against Iran” and in January “the EU unveils a new electronic payment system designed to move money in and out of Iran without American scrutiny” … EU Moves to Shield Companies that Trade with Iran from U.S. Sanctions (Marketplace) ……

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