Month: May 2021

  • News and Analysis 5/28/21

    At least 61 children were among the victims arrested as Israeli forces are rounding up Palestinians en masse inside Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory: ‘Terrorizing a Generation’: Israel Arresting Palestinian Children (Al-Jazeera) The War on Palestinians Continues—Now in the Form of Mass Arrests (The Nation) The tipping point in public willingness to close its…

  • Stop Anti-Semitism Now

    You have heard reports of an upswing in anti-Semitic (i.e., anti-Jewish) incidents lately, and in any case anti-Semitism was already a serious problem with over half of the religiously based hate crimes in the U.S. being directed against Jews. A concern has been expressed that at a time of rising opposition to Israeli aggression, the…

  • News and Analysis 5/25/21

    Once Palestine’s cultural and economic capital, Jaffa is still home to around 20,000 Palestinians that lived there before Israel’s establishment in 1948, but government backed gentrification aims to push them out: The Other War in Israel: Gentrification (Intelligencer) Undercover Israeli forces, known as “Mista’arvim”, sneaked their way into the Umm Al-Sharayet neighborhood, where they shot…

  • News and Analysis 5/23/21

    As popular perception continues to shift in favor of Palestinians, many young American Jews begin to separate their Jewish American identities from Israel. “Killing more that 200 Palestinians in two weeks won’t bring back our ancestors who perished in the Holocaust”: Young American Jews Have Reached a Tipping Point With Israel (Rolling Stone) As if…

  • Voter Suppression in Jerusalem

    [The following letter to the editor was submitted to The Washington Post on May 5. The editors elected not to  publish it.  We are pleased to print it here]: The Washington Post editorial “An election fiasco leaves the Palestinian government weaker than ever” (5/3/21) tries to blame the Palestinian leadership for the delay in the…

  • News and Analysis 5/21/21

    A cease fire between Hamas and Israel does not stop the IDF attacks on civilians in Jerusalem: Celebrations in Gaza as Ceasefire Takes Hold (Aljazeera) Israeli Police Fire Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets at Palestinians in Al Aqsa Mosque Compound (The News) His grandfather “poured his life saving’s into purchasing an apartment in the tower” after…

  • News and Analysis 5/18/21

    Palestinians go on strike  … Palestinians Go on strike as Israel-Hamas Fighting Rages (AP) … as Israel continues its colonial agenda to displace and evict Palestinians from their homeland, the United States also continues to “ignore the bedrock principle of absolute equality in Palestine/Israel — for which it has never advocated” and thus continues to be…

  • News and Analysis 5/16/21

    Press freedom advocates have sharply condemned Israel’s bombing of a Gaza building that housed the offices of Al-Jazeera and the Associated Press news agency, labelling it as “a brazen attempt to silence journalists covering the Israeli military’s ongoing offensive” … Israel Strike in Gaza Destroys Building With AP, Other Media (The National Herald) … amidst…

  • News and Analysis 5/14/21

    Netanyahu doesn’t think that 119 fatalities (including 31 children) and 830 injuries is enough; he promises more to come: ‘This Is Not Yet Over,’ Netanyahu Says, After Israel Hits Urban Areas Of Gaza (NPR) Deaths Rise As Palestinians Flee Heavy Israeli Fire in Gaza (Associated Press) Several Palestinians Killed by Israeli Fire in West Bank…

  • News and Analysis 5/12/21

    Israel’s cascade of bombings brought the “total deaths resulting from the raids on Gaza since Monday to 26, including nine children” Furthermore, at least “122 people have been wounded in the air strikes” and many are in critical condition: Israel Continues to Bomb Gaza After Air Strikes Killed Nine Palestinian Children (Middle East Eye) In…

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