Author: Jeta Luboteni

  • News & Analysis (7/7/16)

    Images of Eid celebrations “as worldwide displacement reaches an all-time high, with Muslim-majority Syria being the largest driver of displacement” … Displaced Muslims Around the World Mark Eid Al-Fitr with Hope and Resilience (Huffington Post – World Post) … and violations of the Eid truce have already been reported: Eid Marks Start of 3-day Syrian Truce,…

  • News & Analysis (7/6/2016)

    “Through its monstrous acts, ISIL has long taken Rumsfeld’s ‘shock and awe’ doctrine and extended it to terrorise Muslims into submission to its bloody barbarism:” ISIL Turns “Shock and Awe” Doctrine Against Islam (Al Jazeera) People are still left questioning the divergence in responses between terror attacks. A Muslim-American journalist expresses her “faith in the…

  • News & Analysis (7/4/16)

    “I am a Muslim and I advocate for human rights worldwide. I love my headscarf dearly, and I respect women who decide to protest topless. Simply, because Islam taught me not to judge others”: An Open Letter from a Muslim American on 4th of July (Fusion) It has proven easy to tune out the violence…

  • News & Analysis (7/2/16)

    The debate over the government’s report on the number of civilian deaths from drone strikes is exemplified by the dispute over whether young men of military age are automatically presumed to be combatants: Obama Administration Releases its Dubious Death Toll (Intercept) A terror attack on a Bangladesh bakery popular with foreigners has highlighted concerns over…

  • News & Analysis (6/29/16)

    Turkey observes a national day of mourning after a heinous attack in Istanbul last night. Well over 200 people were injured above the 41 killed. Officials believe Daesh is responsible: Istanbul Ataturk Airport Attack: Deaths Rise to 41 as Turkey Mourns (BBC) The popular conspiracy theory among Islamophobes that all Muslim organizations are fronts for…

  • News & Analysis (6/27/16)

    According to the author, the best model is a “[n]eutral, non-interventionist state…that guarantees individual freedom…” Furthermore, modernization is not the same as secularization, contrary to what some may think: Should Islam Have a Role in Politics? (Huffington Post) The state has no right to regulate the religious practice of people. However, a mostly-Muslim country should…

  • News & Analysis (6/26/16)

    Michele Flournoy doesn’t deny advocating military intervention, but only insists that she stopped short of boots on the ground”: Hillary Clinton’s Likely Defense Chief Says She Did Not Advocate for Ground Troops in Syria (Intercept) Historical context and analysis shows how America’s “cultural and demographic ignorance” explains why its decades-long political and military geopolitical engagements “exacerbate rather…

  • News and Analysis (6/24/16)

    A mosque was destroyed in a village in Myanmar, belonging to the persecuted Rohingya Muslims. The president, Aung San Suu Kyi refuses to recognize the Rohingya as an ethnic group, nor call them by their preferred name: Mob Destroys Mosque as Religious, Ethnic Tension Rises in Myanmar (Reuters) A NYPD policeman dismissed from his job because…

  • News & Analysis (6/23/16)

    After the Orlando massacre, there have been many claims that Muslims should ‘do their part’ in reporting Terrorism. Well, a former friend of Omar Mateen’s did report him in 2013. Muslims Do Report Extremist Threats. In Fact, This Muslim Man Reported Omar Mateen (Vox) “‘It looks increasingly like this may have been the act of a…

  • News & Analysis (06/21/2016)

    Bahrain has revoked citizenship for Ayatollah Isa Qasim. He is accused of encouraging sectarian divisions. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards warned the response to this would be armed resistance: Iran Says Bahrain Has Crossed a Line by Stripping Shia Cleric of Citizenship (Guardian) The political rhetoric that blames Muslims for terrorism is “designed to distract the public’s…

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