Month: January 2009

  • News and Analysis (1/21/09)

    Of the nearly 800 prisoners detained at Guantanamo, only 3 were ever put on trial and convicted: Judge Suspends Guantanamo Case at Obama’s Request (Washington Post) In a move analysts believe to correspond with the inauguration of President Obama… Israel Completes Gaza Troop Withdrawal (Reuters) …However, Israel might not avoid responsibility for the illegal tactics…

  • News and Analysis (1/20/09)

    One of the new president’s first acts in office will be to appoint former Senate Majority leader George, who although of Arab-American descent, is considered “objective” by Zionists: On First Full Day, Obama Will Dive Into Foreign Policy (Washington Post) Sistani urges patient perserverance with Iraq’s under-developed democracy …. Iraq’s Top Shiite Cleric Urges Participation…

  • Bahrain Noted for Outstanding Fiscal Freedom

    Every year the Heritage Foundation puts out its rankings of economic freedom in the world. This year the USA came in sixth. Of the Muslim countries, Bahrain scored best, coming at #16, with an economy ranked overall at 75% free. Bahrain got honorable 80% scores on trade freedom, business freedom, and government size, 74% on…

  • News and Analysis (1/19/09)

    In the aftermath, 1,300 Palestinian dead, 1/3 were children, and a thousand are left wounded and homeless… Gaza Cease-Fire Lets Palestinians Cautiously Recover Bodies (LA Times) … yet, the chances of charging Israel with war crimes remains slim: Israel Fends Off Censure Over Gaza Civilian Deaths (Reuters) …while the war’s impact on Fath’s chronic factionlism…

  • News and Analysis (1/17-18/09)

    Hamas responds to Israel’s cease fire terms (“If they [Hamas] stop firing, we will consider leaving Gaza at a time that is suitable to us” – Olmert) … Israelis Announce Cease-Fire In Gaza (Washington Post) … with one on its own (Israel has one week to pull out of the Gaza strip and must open…

  • Al-Arian to Be Tried Yet Again

    The cruel circus surrounding the trials of Dr. Sami Al-Arian continues. We must declare our admiration for Judge Leonie Brinkema who has maintained her judicial integrity in the challenging balancing act of maintaining the rights of the accused even as the prosecution employs double dealing with a deck already stacked against defenders of the Palestinian…

  • News and Analysis (1/16/09)

    Analysts believe the IDF is involved in a “furious drive” to coordinate last-minute attacks on Hamas… Israel’s Last Surge Before a Gaza Cease-Fire? (Christian Science Monitor) …Meanwhile, Bashar al-Assad declares the Arab initiative for peace with Israel is now “dead”: Syria: ‘Cut all Ties With Israel’ (Al Jazeera) In response to the West’s inability to…

  • News and Analysis (1/15/09)

    Tons of relief supplies burn as Israel claims the attack with “what appeared to be phosphorus shells” was a “grave mistake”: Israel Hits UN Refugee Agency in Gaza (Guardian) “Labor and Kadima’s position is a declaration of war on Israel’s Arab citizens”: Israel Bans Arab Parties from Running in Upcoming Elections (Haaretz) Validating the Bush…

  • News and Analysis (01/14/09)

    As Israel continues to devastate Gaza, Palestinians feel empowered through Hamas: Israel, Aid Groups Have Long Feuded (Washington Post) At Cairo Hospital, Injured Palestinians Increasingly Voice Support for Hamas (Washington Post) Bush administration finally admits systematic use of  “prolonged isolation, sleep deprivation, forced nudity, exposure to cold and involuntary grooming”, forced dancing with a male…

  • Internet Wars

    A recent article published by the Associated Press highlights the growing struggle between political factions on online forms. The focus of this story is a video of Hamas rockets striking southern Israel that was flagged as offensive. After a brief review, the video returned with the disclaimer, “inappropriate for minors.” The media has always had…

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