Month: March 2009

  • News and Analysis (3/31/09)

    Unable to obtain enough evidence to detain the victims, Sgt. Mayo took rule of law into his own hands by handcuffing, blindfolding and executing the suspects: Army Sergeant Pleads Guilty to Murder in Iraqi Prisoner Deaths (Washington Post) Favoring a de-centralized government, Kurds stand to lose the most: The US is failing Iraq’s Kurds (Guardian)…

  • News and Analysis (3/30/2009)

    With Sunni-Shi`a relations continuing to break down … Sons of Iraq Movement Suffers Another Blow (LA Times) … chances are slim of the US holding its promise to withdraw from all Iraqi cities by the end of June: US general: American Forces May Not Leave Key Iraqi Cities (Christian Science Monitor) The ICC arrest warrant…

  • News and Analysis (3/28-29/09)

    Officials would have been wise to remember, under extreme duress a prisoner will say anything you want to hear … Detainee’s Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots (Washington Post) … but even if arrest warrants are issued, the probability of arrests remains extremely low: Spanish Court Weighs Inquiry on Torture for 6 Bush-Era Officials (NY Times)…

  • News and Analysis (3/27/09)

    Congress take note: Nuclear armed Israel declares, ” There is no place where Israel cannot operate. Such a place doesn’t exist“: Sudan Strike Targeted Weapons Believed Capable of Hitting Tel Aviv (Ha’aretz) Recently acquired Ottoman land registry archives may prove Israeli deeds are forged and ought to prevent the eviction of Palestinians: Turkey’s Fallout With…

  • Encourage Nonviolence Through Accountability

    ENCOURAGE NONVIOLENCE THROUGH ACCOUNTABILITY [This guest blog was submitted by Ashraf Nubani after the Washington Post, the New York  Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times all declined to publish an earlier version.] There has been much criticism of the Palestinian response to Israeli occupation — especially the use of violence against civilian…

  • Sami al-Arian Brown Bag Lunch

    The case of Sami al-Arian touches on many of the aspects of  liberty we at the Minaret of Freedom Institute seek to defend. Ashraf W. Nubani is an attorney and although he is not working on the al-Arian case, he follows it closely. At our most recent brown bag lunch  updated us on the status…

  • News and Analysis (3/26/09)

    Details remain vague as multiple sources link air raids, that were possibly carried out by  Israeli aircraft, to the US: U.S. Accused Of Killing 39 In Sudan Strike (CBS News) US Jets ‘Bombed Convoy in Sudan’ (Al Jazeera) “[L]iberal Zionists … will soon have to decide whether they want a Jewish state or a democratic…

  • News and Analysis (3/25/09)

    Soldier recalls rabbi saying “‘the fight is between the children of light and the children of darkness….’ His message was clear: ‘This is a war against an entire people, not against specific terrorists.’” Israeli Army Rabbis Criticized for Stance on Gaza Assault (LA Times) CAIR has accused the FBI of engaging in “McCarthy-era tactics”, particularly…

  • News and Analysis (3/24/08)

    After he rejected the government’s desperate plea bargain offer (which would gagged him from making accusations of torture), all charges against the defendant  were dropped: Plea Bargain Was Weighed for Guantánamo Detainee (NY Times) Reminiscent of accusations that Hamas used civilians as human shields, Israeli confinement of Palestinians to the conflict zone had the same…

  • News and Analysis (3/23/09)

    What role did the US played in the arrest of Naji Hamdan, a US citizen who claims he confessed under torture? American Muslim’s Case Poses a Test (Washington Post) Enemies of free speech, including the terrorist JDL, hide behind slanderous accusations of criminality against a good Samaritan: Canada Blocks Outspoken British MP (The Star) Canada…

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