Month: August 2009

  • News and Analysis (8/18/09)

    “This recent crackdown may play into a growing feeling that Hamas is no longer a resistance movement, but a government set on keeping both its power and keeping things fairly quiet with Israel”: Growing Threat to Hamas: Gazans Who Think it has Sold Out (Christian Science Monitor) Reconciliation and peace remain the top priority of…

  • News and Analysis (8/17/09)

    “[D]espite the belief of many in the West that such accusations are merely political rhetoric, Iran’s political hardliners do appear to believe that Western nations are actively seeking to start a ‘velvet revolution’ in Iran”: Ahmadinejad Blames West For Fomenting Iran Unrest (Christian Science Monitor) “The reality of Fatah’s conference was a good deal different…

  • News and Analysis (8/15-16/09)

    Contradicting Hamas’ claim “that there were no non-Palestinian fighters in Gaza”: Hamas Destroys al-Qaida Group in Violent Gaza Battle (Guardian) As Ahmadinejad continues to enlist allies into his new government … Hard-Line Cleric Named Iran’s Judiciary Chief (Washington Post) … Moussavi strives to legally challenge the legitimacy of Ahmadinejad’s rule: Moussavi Forms ‘Grass-Roots’ Movement in…

  • News and Analysis (8/14/09)

    Ahmed Wali Karzai also revealed that a number of tribal militias will be used in the south to help guarantee security, “a move that has been denounced by democracy activists who fear it will make electoral fraud easier” Taliban Chiefs Agree Ceasefire Deals for Afghan Presidential Election (Guardian) Reelection for President Karzai may not be…

  • News and Analysis (8/13/09)

    “‘These deaths stand out because the civilians were in groups waving a white cloth, T-shirt or scarf, and no Palestinian fighters were in the area at the time,’ the report said”: Israel Troops ‘Shot Gaza Civilians’ (Al Jazeera) As women organize to vocalize their political beliefs in the upcoming election… Afghan Candidates Face More Vocal Constituency:…

  • News and Analysis (8/12/09)

    Reflecting the growing concern and importance of water distribution among the regional powers: Turkey Offers Water for Iraqi Crackdown on Kurdish Rebels (Christian Science Monitor) “The report by the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee” found that “there is no evidence that any significant amount of the drug proceeds go to Al Qaeda”: Taliban…

  • News and Analysis (8/11/09)

    “This is a coup against a leadership that had monopolized the movement for a long time without even presenting a report about its work” – Jibril Rajoub Fatah Elects Younger Leadership Group (Guardian) The program is widely praised by US and Saudi officials, but Human Rights Watch points out that detention of suspected terrorists without…

  • News and Analysis (8/10/09)

    Even Khomeini chose to co-opt the shah’s clandestine services rather than build his intelligence ministry from scratch; by now replacing longtime officials with loyalists, “the purge does away decades of intelligence experience”, Iran’s President Purges Intelligence Ministry (LA Times) “[F]or years [Washington] touted Dubai as a model of a modern, prosperous Muslim land that, though…

  • News and Analysis (8/8-9/09

    59% of respondents believe the US poses the largest threat to Pakistan with 41% supporting the offensive against the Taliban: US ‘Biggest’ Threat Say Pakistanis (Al Jazeera) Allegations of torture undermine the legitimacy of the current regime … Iranian Official Acknowledges Torture of Protesters (NY Times) … Meanwhile, Iran unfairly targets dual citizens in their…

  • News and Analysis (8/7/09)

    Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing, former detainees face the social sigma of an ex-convict and the harsh reality of rebuilding their lives: Iraqis Freed by U.S. Face Few Jobs and Little Hope (NY Times) The death of Baitullah Mehsud may undermine Taliban objectives but will it damage the strength of Taliban ideology? Drone Probably…

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